View on GitHub
Image viewer that allows you to browse images in folders like a book.

Search options

Conjunction Options

Name Description
/and AND search (default)
/or OR search
/not NOT search

Property Options

Name Description Supplement
/text Text (default) String. File or page name.
/date Date and Time DateTime. Date of last update. For history, last viewed date.
/size Size Numerals. File size
/bookmark Bookmarked Filter. Valid in the Bookshelf, History, and Bookmarks panels.
/history History registered Filter. Valid in the Bookshelf, History, and Bookmarks panels.
/playlist Playlist registered Filter. Valid in the PageList panel.
/title Title String. Page information. Valid in the PageList panel.
/subject Subject String. Page information. Valid in the PageList panel.
/rating Rating Numerals. Page information. Valid in the PageList panel.
/tags Tags String. Page information. Valid in the PageList panel.
/comments Comments String. Page information. Valid in the PageList panel.
/p.meta.[key] Meta information String. Page information. Valid in the PageList panel. See "Meta Information" section for details.

Match Options

Name Description Supplement
/m0, /exact ExactMatch "Same as enclosing with double quotes"
/m1, /word WordMatch Since we identify words by kind of letters, accuracy is not very good.
/m2, /fuzzy Standard (default)
/re RegularExpression .NET Regular Expression
/ire RegularExpression / IgnoreCase Perform regular expression search without case sensitivity.
/since DateTime / Since After specified date
/until DateTime / Until Before specified date
/lt Comparison operation / less than Comparison operations work properly with sizes, dates, etc.
/le Comparison operation / less than equal
/eq Comparison operation / equal
/ne Comparison operation / not equal
/ge Comparison operation / grater than equal
/gt Comparison operation / grater than

In case of Standard search or WordMatch search, it becomes ambiguous search as follows.

DateTime format

Normally, it is specified in the form "2019-04-01". Because .NET date and time parsing is used, you can specify other formats.

Note: The date designation "2019-04-01" is interpreted as "2019-04-01 00:00:00", so "/until 2019-04-01" does not include April 1.

You can also specify relative date and time in the format "-12day", "-6month" and "-1year". "/since -5day" means "within the past 5 days".

Numeric format

Supports integers.

It also supports k, K, g, G, m, and M unit notations. Lowercase letters are multiplied by 1000, and uppercase letters are multiplied by 1024.


The previous options are aliased and simplified. Detailed definitions are given here.

Search unit

The basic unit of search is the following set

Conjunction option(/c.) | Property option(/p.) | Match option(/m.) | Keyword

A string that does not begin with a "/" is a keyword, and this set is determined when it appears. Options not previously specified will use default values, and duplicate category options will be overwritten.


Options are categorized by prefix character.

Conjunction options (/c.)

Name Description
/c.and AND search (default)
/c.or OR search
/c.not NOT search

Property Options (/p.)

Name Description Type
/p.text Text (default) String
/ Date and Time DateTime
/p.size Size Integer
/p.bookmark Bookmarked Boolean
/p.history History registered Boolean
/p.playlist Playlist registered Boolean
/p.rating Meta Information: Rating Integer
/p.meta.[key] Meta Information. See "Meta Information" section for details. String

Match options (/m.)

Name Description Type
/m.exact ExactMatch String
/m.word WordMatch String
/m.fuzzy FuzzyMatch (default) String
/ RegularExpression String
/m.ire RegularExpression / IgnoreCase String
/ Comparison operation / less than Type of property option
/m.le Comparison operation / less than equal Type of property option
/m.eq Comparison operation / equal Type of property option
/ Comparison operation / not equal Type of property option
/ Comparison operation / grater than equal Type of property option
/ Comparison operation / grater than Type of property option

The property and conforming options determine the type of value used for comparison, which is then converted to that type before the conformance check is performed.

The following example performs a date/time comparison as a DateTime type.

/ /

The following example compares the date and time as a string.

/ /m.fuzzy


Options have aliases defined for ease of use, and in some cases are expanded into multiple options.
Alias Decode
/and /c.and
/or /c.or
/not /c.not
/text /p.text
/re /
/ire /m.ire
/m0 /m.exact
/exact /m.exact
/m1 /m.word
/word /m.word
/m2 /m.fuzzy
/fuzzy /m.fuzzy
/lt /
/le /m.le
/eq /m.eq
/ne /
/ge /
/gt /
/date /
/since / /
/until / /m.le
/size /p.size
/bookmark /p.bookmark /m.eq true
/history /p.history /m.eq true
/playlist /p.playlist /m.eq true
/title /p.meta.title
/subject /p.meta.subject
/rating /p.rating
/tags /p.meta.tags
/comments /p.meta.comments

Meta Information

Meta information is the information displayed in the "Information Panel".

The meta information search is specified in the following format. Specify the name of the meta information item in [key]. The resulting value is a string equivalent to the one displayed.


It may take some time to get results when the number of pages is large because the files are read to retrieve meta information.

[key] Description
FileName File name
FilePath File path
CreationTime Creation time
LastWriteTime Last write time
FileSize Size
ArchivePath Archive path
Archiver Archiver
Dimensions Dimensions
HorizontalResolution Horizontal resolution
VerticalResolution Vertical resolution
BitDepth Bit depth
Decoder Decoder
Title Title
Subject Subject
Rating Rating
Tags Tags
Comments Comments
Author Author
DateTaken Date taken
ApplicationName Application name
DateAcquired Date acquired
Copyright Copyright
CameraMaker Camera maker
CameraModel Camera model
FNumber FNumber
ExposureTime Exposure time
ISOSpeed ISO speed
ExposureBias Exposure bias
FocalLength Focal length
MaxAperture Max aperture
MeteringMode Metering mode
SubjectDistance Subject distance
FlashMode Flash mode
FlashEnergy Flash energy
FocalLengthIn35mmFilm Focal length in 35mm film
LensMaker Lens maker
LensModel Lens model
FlashMaker Flash maker
FlashModel Flash model
CameraSerialNumber Camera serial number
Contrast Contrast
Brightness Brightness
LightSource Light source
ExposureProgram Exposure program
Saturation Saturation
Sharpness Sharpness
WhiteBalance White balance
PhotometricInterpretation Photometric interpretation
DigitalZoom Digital zoom
Orientation Orientation
EXIFVersion EXIF version
GPSLatitude Latitude
GPSLongitude Longitude
GPSAltitude Altitude
"Extras" key is a string with spaces removed from that item name.


AND-Standard search of "ABC", "DEF"


RegularExpression search of "^ABC$"

/re ^ABC$

ExactMatch search for "ABC DEF"


"DEF" NOT-WordMatch search for "ABC" Standard search results

ABC /not /word DEF

Search for files updated in April 2019

/since 2019-04-01 /until 2019-05-01

Search for files less than 10 MB in size

/size /lt 10M

AND-Standard search of "ABC" for bookmark search results

/bookmark ABC

Search for pages containing "smile" in "parameters" in "Extras"

/p.meta.parameters smile