Script Manual
- Overview
- Command script
- Event script
- Console
- Script reference
- Config list
- Command list
- Breaking changes by version
- Script examples
Extend the command with a script. You can change the settings, execute multiple commands at once, or execute them as separate commands with changed command parameters.
Scripting is disabled by default. Set and enable on the Scripts page of Options.
- The script grammar is JavaScript.
- Jint is used for the script engine.
- The file extension is .nvjs.
- The character code is UTF8. No BOM is recommended.
You can qualify the command with the doc comments at the top of the file. The keys are not case sensitive.
Key | Summary |
@args | Default arguments |
@description | Command description |
@mouseGesture | Default mouse gestures |
@name | Command name |
@shortCutKey | Default shortcuts |
@touchGesture | Default touch operation |
Command script
If the script file is placed in the script folder, it can be used as a command. One file is one command.
- Shortcuts can be set in the "Command settings" of the Options like normal commands.
- The file name becomes the command name.
Event script
A specially named script file will be executed automatically.
OnStartup.nvjs | Executed when the application is launched. |
OnBookLoaded.nvjs | Executes when the book is opened. |
OnPageChanged.nvjs | Executes when the page view is changed. |
OnWindowStateChanged.nvjs | Executed when the window state is changed. |
A console for testing scripts. To open it, select "Options > Open console" from the menu.
Console-only command
cls | Clear screen (Ctrl+L) |
exit | Close console |
help, ? | Open this script help |
Script reference
This section explains how to use NeeView-specific commands.
include(string) | object | Load and execute the script.Parameters
| ||||||
log(object) | void | Print a message to the console. It only works when you run the script from the console. For script testing.Parameters
| ||||||
sleep(int) | void | Suspends the script for the specified amount of time.Parameters
| ||||||
system(string, string) | void | Run the external app.Parameters
[Root Instance] nv
Provides app-specific features.
Args | dictionary | r | Command arguments are stored in this array. |
Book | BookAccessor | r | Current book accessor |
Bookmark | BookmarkPanelAccessor | r | Bookmark panel accessor |
Bookshelf | BookshelfPanelAccessor | r | Bookshelf panel accessor |
Command | CommandAccessor[] | r | An associative array of command accessors. The commands are the same as those displayed under Options > Command Settings. For details, refer to Command list.e.g.
Config | dictionary | r | An associative array of application settings. Refers to and changes the set value. For the types of set values, refer to Config list.e.g.
CurrentCommand | CommandAccessor | r | Currently running command |
DestinationFolderCollection | DestinationFolderCollectionAccessor | r | Destination folder list accessor |
Effect | EffectPanelAccessor | r | Effects panel accessor |
Environment | EnvironmentAccessor | r | Environment accessor |
ExternalAppCollection | ExternalAppCollectionAccessor | r | External app list accessor |
History | HistoryPanelAccessor | r | History panel accessor |
Information | InformationPanelAccessor | r | Information panel accessor |
Navigator | NavigatorPanelAccessor | r | Navigator panel accessor |
PageList | PageListPanelAccessor | r | PageList panel accessor |
Playlist | PlaylistPanelAccessor | r | Playlist panel accessor |
ScriptPath | string | r | Path of currently running script file |
SusiePluginCollection | SusiePluginCollectionAccessor | r | Susie plugin collection |
Values | dictionary | r | An associative array for storing values. The value saved in this object will be retained during app execution.e.g.
CopyFile(string, string) | void | Copy a file or directoryParameters
| |||||||||||
DeleteFile(string) | void | Delete a file or directoryParameters
| |||||||||||
MoveFile(string, string) | void | Move a file or directoryParameters
| |||||||||||
ShowDialog(string, string, int) | bool | Display the dialog.Parameters
| |||||||||||
ShowInputDialog(string) | string | Display the input dialog.Parameters
| |||||||||||
ShowInputDialog(string, string) | string | Display the input dialog.Parameters
| |||||||||||
ShowInputDialog(string, string, string) | string | Display the input dialog.Parameters
| |||||||||||
ShowMessage(string) | void | Display a message on the screen.Parameters
| |||||||||||
ShowToast(string) | void | Display the message as a toast.Parameters
[Class] BookAccessor
Book accessor
Config | BookConfigAccessor | r | Book config |
CreationTime | Date | r | Creation time |
IsBookmarked | bool | rw | Bookmarked or not |
IsMedia | bool | r | Whether the book is a video |
IsNew | bool | r | Whether the book is a newly opened book with no history |
LastWriteTime | Date | r | Last write time |
Pages | PageAccessor[] | r | Pages that make up the book |
Path | string | r | Book path. Null if no book is open |
Size | int | r | File size. For directory, -1. |
ViewPages | ViewPageAccessor[] | r | Displaying pages |
Wait() | void | Wait for the view pages to finish loading |
[Class] BookConfigAccessor
Book config accessor
AutoRotate | string (AutoRotateType) | rw | Automatic rotation |
BaseScale | double | rw | Base scale |
BookReadOrder | string (PageReadOrder) | rw | Left Open / Right Open |
IsRecursiveFolder | bool | rw | Load subfolders |
IsSupportedDividePage | bool | rw | Divide wide page |
IsSupportedSingleFirstPage | bool | rw | Show first page alone |
IsSupportedSingleLastPage | bool | rw | Show last page alone |
IsSupportedWidePage | bool | rw | Consider landscape pages as two pages |
SortMode | string (PageSortMode) | rw | Sort order |
ViewPageSize | int | rw | Number of pages to display |
[Class] BookmarkFolderNodeAccessor
Bookmark folder node accessor
This class inherits from NodeAccessor.
Children | NodeAccessor[] | r | Child nodes |
Index | int | r | Index number |
IsDisposed | bool | r | "true" if it is a destroyed node. |
IsExpanded | bool | rw | "true" if the node is in the expanded state |
Name | string | r | Node name |
Parent | NodeAccessor | r | Parent node |
Value | BookmarkFolderNodeSource | r | Properties of bookmark folder |
ValueType | string | r | Node value type |
Add(dictionary) | BookmarkFolderNodeAccessor | Create and add a new bookmark folderParameters
| ||||||||
Insert(int, dictionary) | BookmarkFolderNodeAccessor | Create and insert a new bookmark folderParameters
| ||||||||
Remove() | bool | Delete itselfReturns
[Class] BookmarkFolderNodeSource
Properties of bookmark folder
Name | string | rw | Name |
Path | string | r | Path of bookmark folder |
[Class] BookmarkFolderTreeAccessor
Bookmark folder tree accessor
BookmarkNode | BookmarkFolderNodeAccessor | r | Root node of the bookmark folder tree |
SelectedItem | NodeAccessor | rw | Selected item |
[Class] BookmarkItemAccessor
Bookmark item accessor
CreationTime | Date | r | Creation time |
LastWriteTime | Date | r | Last write time |
Name | string | r | Name |
Path | string | r | Path |
Size | int | r | File size. For directory, -1. |
Open() | void | Open book | |||
Open(bool) | void | Open bookParameters
[Class] BookmarkPanelAccessor
Bookmark panel accessor
FolderOrder | string (FolderOrder) | rw | List item order |
FolderTree | BookmarkFolderTreeAccessor | r | Folder tree in the Bookmark panel |
IsFloating | bool | r | Panel is floating |
IsSelected | bool | rw | Panel selected |
IsVisible | bool | r | Panel visibility |
Items | BookmarkItemAccessor[] | r | List items |
Path | string | rw | Current bookmark folder path |
SearchWord | string | rw | Search box text |
SelectedItems | BookmarkItemAccessor[] | rw | Selected items |
Style | string (PanelListItemStyle) | rw | List item style |
Close() | void | Close panel | |||
MoveToParent() | void | Up | |||
NewFolder(string) | void | Create a new bookmark folderParameters
| |||
Open() | void | Open panel | |||
OpenDock() | void | Open panel in docking mode | |||
OpenFloat() | void | Open panel in floating mode |
[Class] BookshelfFolderTreeAccessor
Bookshelf folder tree accessory
BookmarkNode | BookmarkFolderNodeAccessor | r | Root node of the bookmark folder tree |
DirectoryNode | DirectoryNodeAccessor | r | Root node of the folder tree |
QuickAccessNode | QuickAccessFolderNodeAccessor | r | Quick access root node |
SelectedItem | NodeAccessor | rw | Selected item |
Expand(string) | void | Expand to the specified folderParameters
[Class] BookshelfItemAccessor
Bookshelf item accessor
CreationTime | Date | r | Creation time |
LastWriteTime | Date | r | Last write time |
Name | string | r | Name |
Path | string | r | Path |
Size | int | r | File size. For directory, -1. |
Open() | void | Open book | |||
Open(bool) | void | Open bookParameters
[Class] BookshelfPanelAccessor
Bookshelf panel accessor
FolderOrder | string (FolderOrder) | rw | List item order |
FolderTree | BookshelfFolderTreeAccessor | r | Bookshelf folder tree |
IsFloating | bool | r | Panel is floating |
IsSelected | bool | rw | Panel selected |
IsVisible | bool | r | Panel visibility |
Items | BookshelfItemAccessor[] | r | List items |
NextHistory | string[] | r | Later history on the bookshelf |
Path | string | rw | Current bookshelf path |
PreviousHistory | string[] | r | Previous history on bookshelf |
SearchWord | string | rw | Search box text |
SelectedItems | BookshelfItemAccessor[] | rw | Selected items |
Style | string (PanelListItemStyle) | rw | List item style |
Close() | void | Close panel |
MoveToNext() | void | Next |
MoveToParent() | void | Up |
MoveToPrevious() | void | Back |
Open() | void | Open panel |
OpenDock() | void | Open panel in docking mode |
OpenFloat() | void | Open panel in floating mode |
Sync() | void | Move to current book place |
Wait() | void | Wait for display to complete |
[Class] CommandAccessor
Command accessor
IsShowMessage | bool | rw | Display a message when executing a command |
MouseGesture | string | rw | Mouse gesturese.g.
Name | string | r | Command name |
Parameter | dictionary | r | You can get and set command parameters. The settings are permanent. The properties differ for each command. For details, see the command list below.e.g.
ShortCutKey | string | rw | Shortcute.g.
TouchGesture | string | rw | Touch operatione.g.
Execute(object[]) | bool | Execute the command. Some commands allow you to specify arguments. These can be used for the purpose of omitting the user's selection by specifying the argument in the command that normally displays the dialog. Parameters
| |||||
Patch(dictionary) | CommandAccessor | Temporarily change the command parameter.Parameters
[Class] DestinationFolderAccessor
Destination folder accessor
Name | string | rw | Name |
Path | string | rw | Path |
Copy(string) | void | Copy to destination folderParameters
| |||
Copy(string[]) | void | Copy to destination folderParameters
| |||
CopyPage(PageAccessor) | void | Copy to destination folderParameters
| |||
CopyPage(PageAccessor[]) | void | Copy to destination folderParameters
| |||
Move(string) | void | Move to destination folderParameters
| |||
Move(string[]) | void | Move to destination folderParameters
| |||
MovePage(PageAccessor) | void | Move to destination folderParameters
| |||
MovePage(PageAccessor[]) | void | Move to destination folderParameters
[Class] DestinationFolderCollectionAccessor
Destination folder list accessor
Items | DestinationFolderAccessor[] | r | Destination folders |
CreateNew() | DestinationFolderAccessor | Create a new destination folderReturns
| |||
Remove(DestinationFolderAccessor) | void | Delete destination folderParameters
[Class] DirectoryNodeAccessor
Folder node accessor
This class inherits from NodeAccessor.
Children | NodeAccessor[] | r | Child nodes |
Index | int | r | Index number |
IsDisposed | bool | r | "true" if it is a destroyed node. |
IsExpanded | bool | rw | "true" if the node is in the expanded state |
Name | string | r | Node name |
Parent | NodeAccessor | r | Parent node |
Value | DirectoryNodeSource | r | Properties of folder node |
ValueType | string | r | Node value type |
[Class] DirectoryNodeSource
Properties of folder node
Name | string | r | Name |
Path | string | r | Path |
[Class] EffectPanelAccessor
Effects panel accessor
IsFloating | bool | r | Panel is floating |
IsSelected | bool | rw | Panel selected |
IsVisible | bool | r | Panel visibility |
Close() | void | Close panel |
Open() | void | Open panel |
OpenDock() | void | Open panel in docking mode |
OpenFloat() | void | Open panel in floating mode |
[Class] EnvironmentAccessor
Environment accessor
DateVersion | string | r | Date version |
NeeViewPath | string | r | NeeView executable file path |
OSVersion | string | r | OS Version |
PackageType | string | r | Package type |
ProductVersion | string | r | Product version |
Revision | string | r | Git revision |
SelfContained | bool | r | Self-contained package; framework-dependent if false |
UserAgent | string | r | User agent |
UserSettingFilePath | string | r | Setting file path |
Version | string | r | Version |
[Class] ExternalAppAccessor
External app accessor
ArchivePolicy | string (ArchivePolicy) | rw | Compressed file processing policy |
Command | string | rw | External app path |
Name | string | rw | Display name |
Parameter | string | rw | External app parameters |
WorkingDirectory | string | rw | Working folder |
Execute(PageAccessor) | void | Run external appParameters
| |||
Execute(PageAccessor[]) | void | Run external appParameters
| |||
Execute(string) | void | Run external appParameters
| |||
Execute(string[]) | void | Run external appParameters
[Class] ExternalAppCollectionAccessor
External app list accessor
Items | ExternalAppAccessor[] | r | External apps |
CreateNew() | ExternalAppAccessor | Create a new external appReturns
| |||
Remove(ExternalAppAccessor) | void | Delete external appParameters
[Class] HistoryItemAccessor
History item accessor
LastAccessTime | Date | r | Last access time |
Name | string | r | Item name |
Path | string | r | The path corresponding to the item |
Open() | void | Open book |
[Class] HistoryPanelAccessor
History panel accessor
IsFloating | bool | r | Panel is floating |
IsSelected | bool | rw | Panel selected |
IsVisible | bool | r | Panel visibility |
Items | HistoryItemAccessor[] | r | List items |
SearchWord | string | rw | Search box text |
SelectedItems | HistoryItemAccessor[] | rw | Selected items |
Style | string (PanelListItemStyle) | rw | List item style |
Close() | void | Close panel |
Open() | void | Open panel |
OpenDock() | void | Open panel in docking mode |
OpenFloat() | void | Open panel in floating mode |
[Class] InformationPanelAccessor
Information panel accessor
IsFloating | bool | r | Panel is floating |
IsSelected | bool | rw | Panel selected |
IsVisible | bool | r | Panel visibility |
Close() | void | Close panel |
Open() | void | Open panel |
OpenDock() | void | Open panel in docking mode |
OpenFloat() | void | Open panel in floating mode |
[Class] MediaPlayerAccessor
Media Player Accessor
AudioTrack | TrackCollectionAccessor | r | Audio Track Management. If it does not exist, null |
Duration | double | r | Media duration (seconds) |
IsMuted | bool | rw | Mute mode ON/OFF |
IsPlaying | bool | rw | Playback ON/OFF |
IsRepeat | bool | rw | Repeat mode ON/OFF |
Position | double | rw | Current position (0.0-1.0) |
Subtitle | TrackCollectionAccessor | r | Subtitle Track Management. If it does not exist, null |
Volume | double | rw | Volume (0.0-1.0) |
[Class] NavigatorPanelAccessor
Navigator panel accessor
IsFloating | bool | r | Panel is floating |
IsSelected | bool | rw | Panel selected |
IsVisible | bool | r | Panel visibility |
Close() | void | Close panel |
Open() | void | Open panel |
OpenDock() | void | Open panel in docking mode |
OpenFloat() | void | Open panel in floating mode |
[Class] NodeAccessor
Node accessor
Children | NodeAccessor[] | r | Child nodes |
Index | int | r | Index number |
IsDisposed | bool | r | "true" if it is a destroyed node. |
IsExpanded | bool | rw | "true" if the node is in the expanded state |
Name | string | r | Node name |
Parent | NodeAccessor | r | Parent node |
Value | object | r | Node Value |
ValueType | string | r | Node value type |
Add(dictionary) | NodeAccessor | Create and add a new itemParameters
| ||||||||
Insert(int, dictionary) | NodeAccessor | Create and insert a new itemParameters
| ||||||||
MoveTo(int) | void | Change the index positionParameters
| ||||||||
Remove() | bool | Delete itselfReturns
[Class] PageAccessor
Page accessor
CreationTime | Date | r | Creation time |
Index | int | r | Page index. Numbers begin with 0. |
IsBook | bool | r | Can open as a book |
LastWriteTime | Date | r | Last write time |
Path | string | r | Page path |
RawPath | string | r | Raw path |
Size | int | r | File size (Byte) |
GetMetaValue(string) | string | Get page meta informationParameters
| |||||
GetMetaValueMap() | dictionary | Get a list of page meta informationReturns
| |||||
Open() | void | Open page | |||||
OpenAsBook() | void | Open as book |
[Class] PageListPanelAccessor
PageList panel accessor
Format | string (PageNameFormat) | rw | Item name format |
IsFloating | bool | r | Panel is floating |
IsSelected | bool | rw | Panel selected |
IsVisible | bool | r | Panel visibility |
Items | PageAccessor[] | r | List items |
Path | string | r | Current book path |
SearchWord | string | rw | Search box text |
SelectedItems | PageAccessor[] | rw | Selected items |
SortMode | string (PageSortMode) | rw | List item order |
Style | string (PanelListItemStyle) | rw | List item style |
Close() | void | Close panel |
Open() | void | Open panel |
OpenDock() | void | Open panel in docking mode |
OpenFloat() | void | Open panel in floating mode |
[Class] PlaylistItemAccessor
Playlist item accessor
Name | string | r | Item name |
Path | string | r | The path corresponding to the item |
Open() | void | Open item |
[Class] PlaylistPanelAccessor
Playlist panel accessor
IsFloating | bool | r | Panel is floating |
IsSelected | bool | rw | Panel selected |
IsVisible | bool | r | Panel visibility |
Items | PlaylistItemAccessor[] | r | List items |
Name | string | rw | Current playlist name |
Path | string | rw | Current playlist path |
SelectedItems | PlaylistItemAccessor[] | rw | Selected items |
Style | string (PanelListItemStyle) | rw | List item style |
Close() | void | Close panel |
Open() | void | Open panel |
OpenDock() | void | Open panel in docking mode |
OpenFloat() | void | Open panel in floating mode |
[Class] QuickAccessFolderNodeAccessor
Quick access folder accessor
This class inherits from NodeAccessor.
Children | NodeAccessor[] | r | Child nodes |
Index | int | r | Index number |
IsDisposed | bool | r | "true" if it is a destroyed node. |
IsExpanded | bool | rw | "true" if the node is in the expanded state |
Name | string | r | Node name |
Parent | NodeAccessor | r | Parent node |
Value | QuickAccessFolderNodeSource | r | Properties of the quick access folder |
ValueType | string | r | Node value type |
Add(dictionary) | QuickAccessNodeAccessor | Create and add new quick accessParameters
| ||||||||
Insert(int, dictionary) | QuickAccessNodeAccessor | Create and insert new quick accessParameters
[Class] QuickAccessFolderNodeSource
Properties of the quick access folder
Name | string | r | Name |
[Class] QuickAccessNodeAccessor
Quick access node accessor
This class inherits from NodeAccessor.
Index | int | r | Index number |
IsDisposed | bool | r | "true" if it is a destroyed node. |
Name | string | r | Node name |
Parent | NodeAccessor | r | Parent node |
Value | QuickAccessNodeSource | r | Properties of the quick access |
ValueType | string | r | Node value type |
MoveTo(int) | void | Change the index positionParameters
| |||
Remove() | bool | Delete itselfReturns
[Class] QuickAccessNodeSource
Properties of the quick access
Name | string | rw | Name |
Path | string | rw | Quick access path |
[Class] SusiePluginAccessor
Susie plugin accessor
ApiVersion | string | r | API version |
DetailText | string | r | Detailed text |
Extensions | string | rw | Extensions. Multiple extensions can be specified by semicolon, initialized by null. |
HasConfigDialog | bool | r | Configuration dialog exists |
IsCacheEnabled | bool | rw | Cache plugin |
IsEnabled | bool | rw | Enable |
IsPreExtract | bool | rw | Pre extract |
Name | string | r | Name |
Path | string | r | Path |
PluginType | string (SusiePluginType) | r | Susie plugin type |
PluginVersion | string | r | Plugin version |
ShowConfigDialog() | void | Open the Configuration dialog |
[Class] SusiePluginCollectionAccessor
Susie plugin collection accessor
AMPlugins | SusiePluginAccessor[] | r | Archive plugins |
INPlugins | SusiePluginAccessor[] | r | Image plugins |
[Class] TrackCollectionAccessor
Media player track accessor
SelectedIndex | int | rw | Selected track number |
Tracks | string[] | r | Track list |
[Class] ViewPageAccessor
ViewPage accessor
This class inherits from PageAccessor.
CreationTime | Date | r | Creation time |
Height | double | r | Page height |
Index | int | r | Page index. Numbers begin with 0. |
IsBook | bool | r | Can open as a book |
LastWriteTime | Date | r | Last write time |
Path | string | r | Page path |
Player | MediaPlayerAccessor | r | Media player. If not media, null |
RawPath | string | r | Raw path |
Size | int | r | File size (Byte) |
Width | double | r | Page width |
GetMetaValue(string) | string | Get page meta informationParameters
| |||||
GetMetaValueMap() | dictionary | Get a list of page meta informationReturns
| |||||
GetPageAccessor() | PageAccessor | Get PageAccessor for this pageReturns
| |||||
Open() | void | Open page | |||||
OpenAsBook() | void | Open as book |
[Enum] ArchivePolicy
Compressed file processing policy
None | Do not execute |
SendArchiveFile | Compressed file |
SendArchivePath | Compressed file + filename |
SendExtractFile | Temporary file |
[Enum] AutoRotateType
Automatic rotation
None | Default |
Left | Auto left rotate |
Right | Auto right rotate |
ForcedLeft | Forced left rotate |
ForcedRight | Forced right rotate |
[Enum] FolderOrder
List item order
FileName | Name↑ |
FileNameDescending | Name↓ |
Path | Path↑ |
PathDescending | Path↓ |
FileType | Type↑ |
FileTypeDescending | Type↓ |
TimeStamp | Date↑ |
TimeStampDescending | Date↓ |
Size | Size↑ |
SizeDescending | Size↓ |
EntryTime | Entry↑ |
EntryTimeDescending | Entry↓ |
Random | Shuffle |
[Enum] PageNameFormat
Item name format in PageList
Smart | Smart |
NameOnly | Name |
Raw | Raw |
[Enum] PageReadOrder
Page read order
RightToLeft | Right to left |
LeftToRight | Left to right |
[Enum] PageSortMode
Page sort mode
FileName | Name↑ |
FileNameDescending | Name↓ |
TimeStamp | Date↑ |
TimeStampDescending | Date↓ |
Size | Size↑ |
SizeDescending | Size↓ |
Entry | Entry↑ |
EntryDescending | Entry↓ |
Random | Shuffle |
[Enum] PanelListItemStyle
List item style
Normal | Text |
Content | Content |
Banner | Banner |
Thumbnail | Thumbnail |
[Enum] SusiePluginType
Susie plugin type
None | None |
Image | Image |
Archive | Archive |
Config list
Name | Type | Summary |
nv.Config.Archive.Media.IsEnabled | bool | Open video as a book |
nv.Config.Archive.Media.IsLibVlcEnabled | bool | Play videos using libVLC VLC media player is required. Many video formats are supported, and subtitles and audio channels can be selected. |
nv.Config.Archive.Media.IsMediaPageEnabled | bool | Open video as a page |
nv.Config.Archive.Media.IsMuted | bool | Mute video |
nv.Config.Archive.Media.IsRepeat | bool | Video repeat |
nv.Config.Archive.Media.LibVlcPath | string | libVLC directory Directory where the 64-bit version of libvlc.dll resides. This is usually the VLC media player installation folder. |
nv.Config.Archive.Media.MediaStartDelaySeconds | double | Play start delay (sec) If 0 is specified, the contents may flicker. |
nv.Config.Archive.Media.PageSeconds | double | Change time in page movement (sec) |
nv.Config.Archive.Media.SupportFileTypes | ".ex1;.ex2;.ex3" | Video file extension Probably what you can play with Windows Media Player is playable. |
nv.Config.Archive.Media.Volume | double | Video volume |
nv.Config.Archive.Pdf.IsEnabled | bool | Use PDF |
nv.Config.Archive.Pdf.RenderSize | "width,height" | PDF page standard size Normally we will render according to the display size, but the lower limit will be this standard size. If it becomes smaller, it is reduced and displayed. |
nv.Config.Archive.Pdf.SupportFileTypes | ".ex1;.ex2;.ex3" | PDF file extension |
nv.Config.Archive.SevenZip.IsEnabled | bool | Use compressed file expansion with 7-Zip |
nv.Config.Archive.SevenZip.SupportFileTypes | ".ex1;.ex2;.ex3" | Compressed file extension |
nv.Config.Archive.SevenZip.X64DllPath | string | Location of 7z.dll (64 bit) Set this if you want to use another 7z.dll. You need to reopen the application. |
nv.Config.Archive.SevenZip.X86DllPath | string | Location of 7z.dll (32bit) Set this if you want to use another 7z.dll. You need to reopen the application. |
nv.Config.Archive.Zip.Encoding |
| Encoding for ZIP entry names For ZIP files without the UTF-8 flag set. |
nv.Config.Archive.Zip.IsEnabled | bool | Use ZIP compressed file expansion with standard function |
nv.Config.Archive.Zip.IsFileWriteAccessEnabled | bool | ZIP file editable It will be possible to delete files in the ZIP. The "File management" setting must be enabled. |
nv.Config.Archive.Zip.SupportFileTypes | ".ex1;.ex2;.ex3" | Compressed file extension Only ZIP format is supported. |
nv.Config.AutoHide.AutoHideConflictBottomMargin |
| Automatic display judgment of slider on side panel |
nv.Config.AutoHide.AutoHideConflictTopMargin |
| Automatic display judgment of menu bar on side panel |
nv.Config.AutoHide.AutoHideDelayTime | double | Time to hide auto-hide panel (sec) |
nv.Config.AutoHide.AutoHideDelayVisibleTime | double | Time to display auto-hide panel (sec) |
nv.Config.AutoHide.AutoHideFocusLockMode |
| Auto-hide panel focus mode It is not hidden when it has focus. |
nv.Config.AutoHide.AutoHideHitTestHorizontalMargin | double | Width for panel automatic display judgment (pixel) |
nv.Config.AutoHide.AutoHideHitTestVerticalMargin | double | Height for panel automatic display judgment (pixel) |
nv.Config.AutoHide.IsAutoHideKeyDownDelay | bool | Auto-hide panel key input display continued Postpone the action to hide when key input. |
nv.Config.Background.BackgroundType |
| Background type |
nv.Config.Background.CustomBackground.Color | "#AARRGGBB" | Custom background: Color |
nv.Config.Background.CustomBackground.ImageFileName | string | Custom background: Image file |
nv.Config.Background.CustomBackground.Type |
| Custom background: Brush type |
nv.Config.Background.IsPageBackgroundChecker | bool | Checkered background transparent image It will be a check pattern of "Transparent image background color". |
nv.Config.Background.PageBackgroundColor | "#AARRGGBB" | Transparent image background color |
nv.Config.Book.ContentsSpace | double | Distance between pages in "Two pages" (pixels) Sets the gap between page and page. Negative values mean overlapping. Because each page is scaled, it is rare that there will be no gap just at 0. |
nv.Config.Book.DividePageRate | double | Rate of divide page Division rate when "Divide wide page". |
nv.Config.Book.DummyPageColor | "#AARRGGBB" | Dummy page color |
nv.Config.Book.Excludes | "str1;str2;str3" | Excluded folders |
nv.Config.Book.FrameSpace | double | Distance between pages in "Panorama" (pixels) Sets the gap between page and page. Negative values mean overlapping. Because each page is scaled, it is rare that there will be no gap just at 0. |
nv.Config.Book.IsAutoRecursive | bool | If the subfolder is independent, read it without checking Automatically loads subfolders if there are no pages and only one subfolder exists. |
nv.Config.Book.IsConfirmRecursive | bool | Ask if you want to load it when you only have a subfolder If there is no page that can be displayed when the book is opened, and a subfolder exists, a dialog is displayed asking whether to load the subfolder. |
nv.Config.Book.IsInsertDummyFirstPage | bool | Add a dummy page to the first page |
nv.Config.Book.IsInsertDummyLastPage | bool | Add a dummy page to the last page |
nv.Config.Book.IsInsertDummyPage | bool | Insert a dummy page for a double-page spread When there are not enough pages at the two-page display, add a dummy page to align the spread. |
nv.Config.Book.IsNotifyPageLoop | bool | Notify page loop |
nv.Config.Book.IsPanorama | bool | Panorama Displays consecutive pages. |
nv.Config.Book.IsPrioritizeBookMove | bool | Book movement priority |
nv.Config.Book.IsPrioritizePageMove | bool | Page movement priority Perform page movement without waiting for page display. |
nv.Config.Book.IsReadyToPageMove | bool | Ready to page move Switch display when page is ready. Not valid in "Panorama". |
nv.Config.Book.IsSortFileFirst | bool | Sort pages by file first Arrange files before folders. |
nv.Config.Book.IsStaticWidePage | bool | Static two pages The base page for the two pages display is determined by numbers only. Slider movement follows suit. |
nv.Config.Book.Orientation |
| Page layout orientation |
nv.Config.Book.PageEndAction |
| Behavior when trying to move past the end of the page |
nv.Config.Book.ResetPageWhenRandomSort | bool | Reset page when shuffle |
nv.Config.Book.TerminalSound | string | Sound when not able to move |
nv.Config.Book.WidePageStretch |
| How to align sizes in "Two pages" |
nv.Config.Book.WidePageVerticalAlignment |
| Vertial alignment in "Two pages" |
nv.Config.Book.WideRatio | double | Aspect ratio for determining horizontally long image (horizontal / vertical) It is used in "Divide wide page". |
nv.Config.Bookmark.BookmarkFilePath | string | Bookmark: Bookmark file location |
nv.Config.Bookmark.BookmarkFolderOrder |
| Bookmark: Default order of bookmarks |
nv.Config.Bookmark.FolderTreeLayout |
| Bookmark: Folder tree layout |
nv.Config.Bookmark.IsFolderTreeVisible | bool | Bookmark: Display folder tree |
nv.Config.Bookmark.IsSaveBookmark | bool | Bookmark: Save bookmark file |
nv.Config.Bookmark.IsSearchIncludeSubdirectories | bool | Bookmark: Perform a search including subfolders |
nv.Config.Bookmark.IsSyncBookshelfEnabled | bool | Bookmark: Sync bookshelf when book is opened |
nv.Config.Bookmark.PanelListItemStyle |
| Bookmark: List item style |
nv.Config.BookSetting.AutoRotate |
| Automatic rotation |
nv.Config.BookSetting.BaseScale | double | Base scale |
nv.Config.BookSetting.BookReadOrder |
| Page read order |
nv.Config.BookSetting.IsRecursiveFolder | bool | Load subfolders Since it searches everything under the folder to be opened, the load may be high depending on the location where it is opened. |
nv.Config.BookSetting.IsSupportedDividePage | bool | Divide wide page |
nv.Config.BookSetting.IsSupportedSingleFirstPage | bool | Show first page alone |
nv.Config.BookSetting.IsSupportedSingleLastPage | bool | Show last page alone |
nv.Config.BookSetting.IsSupportedWidePage | bool | Consider landscape pages as two pages |
nv.Config.BookSetting.PageMode |
| Page Size Mode |
nv.Config.BookSetting.SortMode |
| Page sort mode |
nv.Config.BookSettingDefault.AutoRotate |
| Automatic rotation |
nv.Config.BookSettingDefault.BaseScale | double | Base scale |
nv.Config.BookSettingDefault.BookReadOrder |
| Page read order |
nv.Config.BookSettingDefault.IsRecursiveFolder | bool | Load subfolders Since it searches everything under the folder to be opened, the load may be high depending on the location where it is opened. |
nv.Config.BookSettingDefault.IsSupportedDividePage | bool | Divide wide page |
nv.Config.BookSettingDefault.IsSupportedSingleFirstPage | bool | Show first page alone |
nv.Config.BookSettingDefault.IsSupportedSingleLastPage | bool | Show last page alone |
nv.Config.BookSettingDefault.IsSupportedWidePage | bool | Consider landscape pages as two pages |
nv.Config.BookSettingDefault.PageMode |
| Page Size Mode |
nv.Config.BookSettingDefault.SortMode |
| Page sort mode |
nv.Config.BookSettingPolicy.AutoRotate |
| Automatic rotation |
nv.Config.BookSettingPolicy.BaseScale |
| Base scale |
nv.Config.BookSettingPolicy.BookReadOrder |
| Setting policy of "Page read order" when opening a book |
nv.Config.BookSettingPolicy.IsRecursiveFolder |
| Setting policy of "Load subfolders" when opening a book |
nv.Config.BookSettingPolicy.IsSupportedDividePage |
| Setting policy of "Divide wide page" when opening a book |
nv.Config.BookSettingPolicy.IsSupportedSingleFirstPage |
| Setting policy of "Show first page alone" when opening a book |
nv.Config.BookSettingPolicy.IsSupportedSingleLastPage |
| Setting policy of "Show last page alone" when opening a book |
nv.Config.BookSettingPolicy.IsSupportedWidePage |
| Setting policy of "Consider landscape pages as two pages" when opening a book |
nv.Config.BookSettingPolicy.Page |
| Setting policy of "Page position" when opening a book |
nv.Config.BookSettingPolicy.PageMode |
| Setting policy of "Page Size Mode" when opening a book |
nv.Config.BookSettingPolicy.SortMode |
| Setting policy of "Page sort mode" when opening a book |
nv.Config.Bookshelf.DefaultFolderOrder |
| Bookshelf: Standard default order |
nv.Config.Bookshelf.ExcludePattern | string | Bookshelf: Filename pattern to exclude from display It is specified with .NET regular expression. Capital letters and lower case letters are not distinguished. |
nv.Config.Bookshelf.FolderTreeLayout |
| Bookshelf: Folder tree layout |
nv.Config.Bookshelf.Home | string | Bookshelf: Home location |
nv.Config.Bookshelf.IsCloseBookWhenMove | bool | Bookshelf: Close the book when changing the location |
nv.Config.Bookshelf.IsCruise | bool | Bookshelf: Enable Folder Cruise Move the folder including the parent and child of the folder. It does not apply when the bookshelf is a search result. |
nv.Config.Bookshelf.IsFolderTreeVisible | bool | Bookshelf: Display folder tree |
nv.Config.Bookshelf.IsInsertItem | bool | Bookshelf: Insert additional file at sort position The bookshelf reflects information in real time. If this setting is on, inserts the added file in the current sort order position. When turned off, it is added to the end of the list. |
nv.Config.Bookshelf.IsMultipleRarFilterEnabled | bool | Bookshelf: Filter RAR split files from display For an RAR split file called ".part[number].rar", only the file with the smallest number is displayed in the list. |
nv.Config.Bookshelf.IsOpenNextBookWhenRemove | bool | Bookshelf: After deleting the viewing book, open the next book |
nv.Config.Bookshelf.IsOrderWithoutFileType | bool | Bookshelf: Sort without file type |
nv.Config.Bookshelf.IsSearchIncludeSubdirectories | bool | Bookshelf: Perform a search including subfolders |
nv.Config.Bookshelf.IsSyncFolderTree | bool | Bookshelf: Synchronize Folders tree with sync button |
nv.Config.Bookshelf.IsVisibleBookmarkMark | bool | Bookshelf: Display bookmark symbols ★ mark is displayed in the bookmarked book. |
nv.Config.Bookshelf.IsVisibleHistoryMark | bool | Bookshelf: Display history symbol A check mark is displayed in the book remaining in the history. |
nv.Config.Bookshelf.PanelListItemStyle |
| Bookshelf: List item style |
nv.Config.Bookshelf.PlaylistFolderOrder |
| Bookshelf: Default order of playlists |
nv.Config.Command.IsAccessKeyEnabled | bool | Allow access key When turned off, system operation with the Alt key is disabled, eliminating malfunctions with command shortcuts. However Alt+F4 is always active. |
nv.Config.Command.IsHorizontalWheelLimitedOnce | bool | Limit tilt wheel operation to one time Tilt wheel Executes one command with one operation. If you are using a stepless mouse, turn it off. |
nv.Config.Command.IsReversePageMove | bool | Swap movement direction of page movement command according to slider direction When the slider is from left to right, reverse the page moving direction. The setting of the command to work is set by "Enable operation swap by slider direction" of the command parameter. |
nv.Config.Command.IsReversePageMoveHorizontalWheel | bool | Replace when operating tilt wheel You can select correspondence only for tilt wheel operation. |
nv.Config.Command.IsReversePageMoveWheel | bool | Replace when operating wheel You can select correspondence only for wheel operation. |
nv.Config.Control.IsSelected | bool | Panel selected |
nv.Config.Control.IsVisible | bool | Panel visibility (Read only) |
nv.Config.FilmStrip.ImageWidth | double | Page thumbnail size |
nv.Config.FilmStrip.IsEnabled | bool | Show filmstrip |
nv.Config.FilmStrip.IsHideFilmStrip | bool | Automatically hide filmstrip |
nv.Config.FilmStrip.IsManipulationBoundaryFeedbackEnabled | bool | Touch scroll termination bound on filmstrip |
nv.Config.FilmStrip.IsSelectedCenter | bool | Scroll so that the selected item appears in the center |
nv.Config.FilmStrip.IsVisibleNumber | bool | Display page number |
nv.Config.FilmStrip.IsVisiblePlaylistMark | bool | Display playlisted mark |
nv.Config.FilmStrip.IsWheelMovePage | bool | Move pages by wheel operation |
nv.Config.Fonts.FolderTreeFontScale | double | Folder tree font scale |
nv.Config.Fonts.FontName | string | Font |
nv.Config.Fonts.FontScale | double | Font scale |
nv.Config.Fonts.IsClearTypeEnabled | bool | Enable ClearType |
nv.Config.Fonts.MenuFontScale | double | Menu font scale |
nv.Config.Fonts.PanelFontScale | double | List item font scale |
nv.Config.History.HistoryEntryPageCount | int | Number of page operations to start history registration The history is recorded when the page is moved more than the set number of times or the last page is displayed. |
nv.Config.History.HistoryFilePath | string | History file location |
nv.Config.History.IsAutoCleanupEnabled | bool | Automatically delete invalid history at startup |
nv.Config.History.IsCurrentFolder | bool | Current folder only Shows the history of only the folders of the currently open book. |
nv.Config.History.IsForceUpdateHistory | bool | Even if you open a book from history, it updates the last browsing date |
nv.Config.History.IsInnerArchiveHistoryEnabled | bool | Save recursive compressed file in history |
nv.Config.History.IsKeepFolderStatus | bool | Save folder state |
nv.Config.History.IsKeepSearchHistory | bool | Save search history |
nv.Config.History.IsSaveHistory | bool | Save history file |
nv.Config.History.IsUncHistoryEnabled | bool | Save UNC path in history Save the path on the network like "\\computer\~" in the history. |
nv.Config.History.LimitSize | int | Size limit |
nv.Config.History.LimitSpan | System.TimeSpan | Retention period |
nv.Config.History.PanelListItemStyle |
| History item style |
nv.Config.Image.IsMediaRepeat | bool | Video page repeat |
nv.Config.Image.Standard.IsAllFileSupported | bool | A file whose extension is unknown is regarded as an image file This function works when "File type to be used as page" is "All files". |
nv.Config.Image.Standard.IsAnimatedGifEnabled | bool | Play animated GIF Perform animated GIF playback. Memory consumption problems may occur with long GIFs. |
nv.Config.Image.Standard.IsAnimatedPngEnabled | bool | Play animated PNG Perform animated PNG playback. Memory consumption problems may occur with long PNGs. |
nv.Config.Image.Standard.IsAspectRatioEnabled | bool | Apply image resolution information Display according to the dpi and aspect ratio set in the image file. |
nv.Config.Image.Standard.SupportFileTypes | ".ex1;.ex2;.ex3" | Image file extensions |
nv.Config.Image.Standard.UseWicInformation | bool | Use WIC information Obtains the image file extension from WIC. If off, only the default extension is available. |
nv.Config.Image.Svg.IsEnabled | bool | Enable SVG file Open an SVG file as a page. |
nv.Config.Image.Svg.SupportFileTypes | ".ex1;.ex2;.ex3" | SVG file extensions |
nv.Config.ImageCustomSize.ApplicabilityRate | double | Custom Size: Applicability rate |
nv.Config.ImageCustomSize.AspectRatio |
| Custom Size: Aspect ratio |
nv.Config.ImageCustomSize.IsAlignLongSide | bool | Custom Size: Align long side Swap the vertical and horizontal as needed. |
nv.Config.ImageCustomSize.IsEnabled | bool | Custom Size: Enable custom image size |
nv.Config.ImageCustomSize.Size | "width,height" | Custom Size: Custom image size |
nv.Config.ImageDotKeep.IsEnabled | bool | Keep dot |
nv.Config.ImageDotKeep.Threshold | double | Scale threshold for "Keep dot" It will be applied when it becomes larger than the set magnification. |
nv.Config.ImageEffect.BloomEffect.BaseIntensity | double | Bloom: Base intensity |
nv.Config.ImageEffect.BloomEffect.BaseSaturation | double | Bloom: Base saturation |
nv.Config.ImageEffect.BloomEffect.BloomIntensity | double | Bloom: Bloom intensity |
nv.Config.ImageEffect.BloomEffect.BloomSaturation | double | Bloom: Bloom saturation |
nv.Config.ImageEffect.BloomEffect.Threshold | double | Bloom: Threshold |
nv.Config.ImageEffect.BlurEffect.Radius | double | Blur: Radius |
nv.Config.ImageEffect.ColorSelectEffect.Curve | double | Color select: Curve |
nv.Config.ImageEffect.ColorSelectEffect.Hue | double | Color select: Hue |
nv.Config.ImageEffect.ColorSelectEffect.Range | double | Color select: Range |
nv.Config.ImageEffect.ColorToneEffect.DarkColor | "#AARRGGBB" | Color tone: Dark color |
nv.Config.ImageEffect.ColorToneEffect.Desaturation | double | Color tone: Desaturation |
nv.Config.ImageEffect.ColorToneEffect.LightColor | "#AARRGGBB" | Color tone: Light color |
nv.Config.ImageEffect.ColorToneEffect.ToneAmount | double | Color tone: Tone amount |
nv.Config.ImageEffect.EffectType |
| Image effect type |
nv.Config.ImageEffect.EmbossedEffect.Amount | double | Embossed: Amount |
nv.Config.ImageEffect.EmbossedEffect.Color | "#AARRGGBB" | Embossed: Color |
nv.Config.ImageEffect.EmbossedEffect.Height | double | Embossed: Height |
nv.Config.ImageEffect.HsvEffect.Hue | double | HSV: Hue |
nv.Config.ImageEffect.HsvEffect.Saturation | double | HSV: Saturation |
nv.Config.ImageEffect.HsvEffect.Value | double | HSV: Brightness |
nv.Config.ImageEffect.IsEnabled | bool | Enable image effect |
nv.Config.ImageEffect.IsHsvMode | bool | Perform color setting with HSV Sets color parameters in HSV (Hue, Saturation, Brightness). Turning it off sets the color parameters in RGB. |
nv.Config.ImageEffect.LevelEffect.Black | double | Level: Black |
nv.Config.ImageEffect.LevelEffect.Center | double | Level: Center |
nv.Config.ImageEffect.LevelEffect.Maximum | double | Level: Max |
nv.Config.ImageEffect.LevelEffect.Minimum | double | Level: Min |
nv.Config.ImageEffect.LevelEffect.White | double | Level: White |
nv.Config.ImageEffect.MagnifyEffect.Amount | double | Magnify: Amount |
nv.Config.ImageEffect.MagnifyEffect.Center | "x,y" | Magnify: Center |
nv.Config.ImageEffect.MagnifyEffect.InnerRadius | double | Magnify: Inner radius |
nv.Config.ImageEffect.MagnifyEffect.OuterRadius | double | Magnify: Outer radius |
nv.Config.ImageEffect.MonochromeEffect.Color | "#AARRGGBB" | Monochrome: Color |
nv.Config.ImageEffect.PixelateEffect.Pixelation | double | Pixelate: Pixelation |
nv.Config.ImageEffect.RippleEffect.Center | "x,y" | Ripple: Center |
nv.Config.ImageEffect.RippleEffect.Frequency | double | Ripple: Frequency |
nv.Config.ImageEffect.RippleEffect.Magnitude | double | Ripple: Magnitude |
nv.Config.ImageEffect.RippleEffect.Phase | double | Ripple: Phase |
nv.Config.ImageEffect.SharpenEffect.Amount | double | Sharpen: Amount |
nv.Config.ImageEffect.SharpenEffect.Height | double | Sharpen: Height |
nv.Config.ImageEffect.SwirlEffect.Center | "x,y" | Swirl: Center |
nv.Config.ImageEffect.SwirlEffect.TwistAmount | double | Swirl: Twist amount |
nv.Config.ImageGrid.Color | "#AARRGGBB" | Grid: Color |
nv.Config.ImageGrid.DivX | int | Grid: Column |
nv.Config.ImageGrid.DivY | int | Grid: Row |
nv.Config.ImageGrid.IsEnabled | bool | Grid: Show grid |
nv.Config.ImageGrid.IsSquare | bool | Grid: Square |
nv.Config.ImageGrid.Target |
| Grid: Target |
nv.Config.ImageResizeFilter.IsEnabled | bool | Enable resize filter |
nv.Config.ImageResizeFilter.IsUnsharpMaskEnabled | bool | Enable unsharp mask when resizing |
nv.Config.ImageResizeFilter.ResizeInterpolation |
| Resize interpolation method |
nv.Config.ImageResizeFilter.UnsharpMask.Amount | int | Unsharp mask: Amount |
nv.Config.ImageResizeFilter.UnsharpMask.Radius | double | Unsharp mask: Radius |
nv.Config.ImageResizeFilter.UnsharpMask.Threshold | int | Unsharp mask: Threshold |
nv.Config.ImageTrim.Bottom | double | Trim: Bottom |
nv.Config.ImageTrim.IsEnabled | bool | Trim: Enable trim |
nv.Config.ImageTrim.Left | double | Trim: Left |
nv.Config.ImageTrim.Right | double | Trim: Right |
nv.Config.ImageTrim.Top | double | Trim: Top |
nv.Config.Information.DateTimeFormat | string | Information: Date time format Specifies the .NET custom datetime format string. |
nv.Config.Information.IsVisibleAdvancedPhoto | bool | Information: View advanced photo section |
nv.Config.Information.IsVisibleCamera | bool | Information: View camera section |
nv.Config.Information.IsVisibleDescription | bool | Information: View description section |
nv.Config.Information.IsVisibleExtras | bool | Information: View extras section |
nv.Config.Information.IsVisibleFile | bool | Information: View file section |
nv.Config.Information.IsVisibleGps | bool | Information: View GPS section |
nv.Config.Information.IsVisibleImage | bool | Information: View image section |
nv.Config.Information.IsVisibleOrigin | bool | Information: View origin section |
nv.Config.Information.MapProgramFormat | string | Information: Map program $Lat: Latitude, $LatDeg: Latitude(DEG), $Lon: Longitude, $LonDeg: Longitude(DEG) |
nv.Config.Loupe.DefaultScale | double | Loupe standard magnification |
nv.Config.Loupe.IsEscapeKeyEnabled | bool | Use the Esc key to release the loupe |
nv.Config.Loupe.IsLoupeCenter | bool | Set the cursor position at the start of the loupe to the center of the screen |
nv.Config.Loupe.IsResetByPageChanged | bool | Release the loupe after moving the page |
nv.Config.Loupe.IsResetByRestart | bool | Start loupe at standard magnification When turned off, it retains the magnification of the last use of the loupe. The standard magnification can be set arbitrarily. |
nv.Config.Loupe.IsVisibleLoupeInfo | bool | Display the magnification of loupe When using the loupe, the magnification is displayed in the upper right. |
nv.Config.Loupe.IsWheelScalingEnabled | bool | Change the loupe magnification by operating the wheel when using the loupe Commands to which wheel operation is assigned are invalid. |
nv.Config.Loupe.MaximumScale | double | Loupe maximum magnification |
nv.Config.Loupe.MinimumScale | double | Loupe minimum magnification |
nv.Config.Loupe.ScaleStep | double | Loupe magnification change unit |
nv.Config.Loupe.Speed | double | Loupe Speed |
nv.Config.MainView.AlternativeContent |
| Alternative content for main view Content to display instead when the MainView window is displayed. |
nv.Config.MainView.IsAutoHide | bool | MainView window auto close Minimizes the MainView window when the book is closed. |
nv.Config.MainView.IsAutoShow | bool | MainView window auto show When the MainView window is minimized and the view pages are refreshed, the window is automatically restored. |
nv.Config.MainView.IsAutoStretch | bool | MainView window auto stretch Adjust the window size to the image size. |
nv.Config.MainView.IsFloating | bool | MainView floating |
nv.Config.MainView.IsFloatingEndWhenClosed | bool | Deactivate the mode when the MainView window is closed |
nv.Config.MainView.IsHideTitleBar | bool | Automatically hide MainView window title bar |
nv.Config.MainView.IsTopmost | bool | MainView window is topmost |
nv.Config.MenuBar.IsAddressBarEnabled | bool | Show address bar |
nv.Config.MenuBar.IsHamburgerMenu | bool | Use the hamburger menu Instead of the menu bar, it displays an icon that brings together the menus. |
nv.Config.MenuBar.IsHideMenu | bool | Hide menu automatically |
nv.Config.MenuBar.IsHideMenuInAutoHideMode | bool | Automatically hide the menu when it is auto-hide mode |
nv.Config.MenuBar.IsVisible | bool | Menu visibility (Read only) |
nv.Config.Mouse.CursorHideReleaseDistance | double | Move distance to redisplay (pixel) |
nv.Config.Mouse.CursorHideTime | double | Hide time (sec) |
nv.Config.Mouse.GestureMinimumDistance | double | Mouse gesture stroke (pixel) By moving this distance, it is judged as a gesture stroke. |
nv.Config.Mouse.HoverScrollDuration | double | Hover scroll time (sec) The longer the time, the smoother the scroll. |
nv.Config.Mouse.InertiaSensitivity | double | Inertia sensitivity |
nv.Config.Mouse.IsCursorHideEnabled | bool | Hide the cursor with no mouse operation Hide the cursor if the mouse is not operated for the set time. |
nv.Config.Mouse.IsCursorHideReleaseAction | bool | Redisplay with mouse button operation |
nv.Config.Mouse.IsDragEnabled | bool | Use mouse drag |
nv.Config.Mouse.IsGestureEnabled | bool | Use mouse gesture |
nv.Config.Mouse.IsHoverScroll | bool | Hover scroll mode |
nv.Config.Mouse.LongButtonDownMode |
| Long press mode |
nv.Config.Mouse.LongButtonDownTime | double | Long press decision time (sec) It is time to be judged to be long pressed. |
nv.Config.Mouse.LongButtonMask |
| Long press button |
nv.Config.Mouse.LongButtonRepeatTime | double | Repeat interval (sec) Repeat time with repeat input. |
nv.Config.Mouse.MinimumDragDistance | double | Drag starting distance (pixel) First moving distance to become a drag or gesture |
nv.Config.Navigator.IsVisibleControlBar | bool | Control bar in the navigator panel |
nv.Config.Navigator.IsVisibleThumbnail | bool | Show thumbnail |
nv.Config.Navigator.ThumbnailHeight | double | Thumbnail area height |
nv.Config.Notice.BookNameShowMessageStyle |
| Show open book name |
nv.Config.Notice.CommandShowMessageStyle |
| Show command execution message |
nv.Config.Notice.GestureShowMessageStyle |
| Show gesture status |
nv.Config.Notice.IsBusyMarkEnabled | bool | The image reading processing in progress mark is displayed on the upper left of the screen |
nv.Config.Notice.IsEmptyMessageEnabled | bool | Show message when there are no pages in the book |
nv.Config.Notice.IsOriginalScaleShowMessage | bool | Make the scale display of the view operation the original image size standard In case of 2 page display, we refer to the page with the smaller number. |
nv.Config.Notice.NoticeShowMessageStyle |
| General information |
nv.Config.Notice.NowLoadingShowMessageStyle |
| Show Now Loading |
nv.Config.Notice.ViewTransformShowMessageStyle |
| Show status change by drag operation |
nv.Config.PageList.FocusMainView | bool | Focus to main view After selecting a page, move the focus to the main view. |
nv.Config.PageList.Format |
| Page name display format of PageList |
nv.Config.PageList.PanelListItemStyle |
| PageList item style |
nv.Config.PageList.ShowBookTitle | bool | Show book title |
nv.Config.PageTitle.IsEnabled | bool | Page title: Show page title Appears when the cursor is over a slider or filmstrip. |
nv.Config.PageTitle.PageTitleFormat1 | string | Page title: For 1 page |
nv.Config.PageTitle.PageTitleFormat2 | string | Page title: For 2 page |
nv.Config.PageTitle.PageTitleFormatMedia | string | Page title: For video |
nv.Config.PageViewRecorder.IsSavePageViewRecord | bool | Save page view records |
nv.Config.PageViewRecorder.PageViewRecordFilePath | string | Page view recording path |
nv.Config.Panels.BannerItemProfile.ImageShape |
| Banner style: Shape of Icon |
nv.Config.Panels.BannerItemProfile.ImageWidth | int | Banner style: Icon size The width of the icon image. The aspect ratio depends on the shape of the icon. If the thumbnail image resolution is exceeded, the image will be grainy. |
nv.Config.Panels.BannerItemProfile.IsImagePopupEnabled | bool | Banner style: Icon popup When placing the cursor on the icon, a large image will be displayed in the popup. |
nv.Config.Panels.BannerItemProfile.IsTextVisible | bool | Banner style: Display the name |
nv.Config.Panels.BannerItemProfile.IsTextWrapped | bool | Banner style: Wrap name |
nv.Config.Panels.ContentItemProfile.ImageShape |
| Content style: Shape of Icon |
nv.Config.Panels.ContentItemProfile.ImageWidth | int | Content style: Icon size The width of the icon image. The aspect ratio depends on the shape of the icon. If the thumbnail image resolution is exceeded, the image will be grainy. |
nv.Config.Panels.ContentItemProfile.IsImagePopupEnabled | bool | Content style: Icon popup When placing the cursor on the icon, a large image will be displayed in the popup. |
nv.Config.Panels.ContentItemProfile.IsTextVisible | bool | Content style: Display the name |
nv.Config.Panels.ContentItemProfile.IsTextWrapped | bool | Content style: Wrap name |
nv.Config.Panels.IsDecoratePlace | bool | Format path display of supplemental text Format as "AAA (C:\BBB\CCC)". |
nv.Config.Panels.IsHidePanel | bool | Hide side panels automatically |
nv.Config.Panels.IsHidePanelInAutoHideMode | bool | Automatically hide the side panel when it is auto-hide mode |
nv.Config.Panels.IsLeftRightKeyEnabled | bool | The left and right key input of the side panel is valid Activate left / right key operation on the side panel. In the bookshelf, move the folder hierarchically. |
nv.Config.Panels.IsLimitPanelWidth | bool | Limit panel width Limit the width of the panel to fit in the window |
nv.Config.Panels.IsManipulationBoundaryFeedbackEnabled | bool | Touch scroll termination bound on side panel |
nv.Config.Panels.IsSideBarEnabled | bool | Show side bars |
nv.Config.Panels.IsVisibleItemsCount | bool | Show number of items |
nv.Config.Panels.MouseWheelSpeedRate | double | Mouse wheel scroll speed rate in thumbnail view |
nv.Config.Panels.Opacity | double | Panel opacity It is effective in auto-hide mode. |
nv.Config.Panels.OpenWithDoubleClick | bool | Double click to open book Effective on bookshelf, bookmark panel, and history panel. |
nv.Config.Panels.ThumbnailItemProfile.ImageShape |
| Thumbnail style: Shape of Icon |
nv.Config.Panels.ThumbnailItemProfile.ImageWidth | int | Thumbnail style: Icon size The width of the icon image. The aspect ratio depends on the shape of the icon. If the thumbnail image resolution is exceeded, the image will be grainy. |
nv.Config.Panels.ThumbnailItemProfile.IsImagePopupEnabled | bool | Thumbnail style: Icon popup When placing the cursor on the icon, a large image will be displayed in the popup. |
nv.Config.Panels.ThumbnailItemProfile.IsTextVisible | bool | Thumbnail style: Display the name |
nv.Config.Panels.ThumbnailItemProfile.IsTextWrapped | bool | Thumbnail style: Wrap name |
nv.Config.Performance.CacheMemorySize | int | Book cache memory size (MB) Once the page has been read, it is stored in memory to speed up redisplay. This value is a guideline, and memory may be used beyond this value. Note that too large a value can make the system unstable. |
nv.Config.Performance.IsLimitSourceSize | bool | Load image size limit Reduce the imported image with "Maximum image size" as the upper limit. It is setting for speed and memory saving. When this restriction is applied, "*" will be displayed in the size field of the information if it is the loaded image. |
nv.Config.Performance.IsLoadingPageVisible | bool | Display the current page until the next page loads You can save memory by turning it off. |
nv.Config.Performance.JobWorkerSize | int | Number of threads used for image loading The recommended value is 2 to 4 |
nv.Config.Performance.MaximumSize | "width,height" | Maximum image size This is the maximum image size enlarged by the resize filter. |
nv.Config.Performance.PreExtractSolidSize | int | Memory size used to pre-decompress solid compressed files (MB) If not enough, extract to a temporary file. |
nv.Config.Performance.PreLoadSize | int | Read ahead page size Read ahead within the cache memory size. |
nv.Config.Playlist.CurrentPlaylist | string | Current playlist |
nv.Config.Playlist.IsCurrentBookFilterEnabled | bool | Show only open book pages |
nv.Config.Playlist.IsFirstIn | bool | Add to the top of the list This is the insertion position for additional commands. If it is turned off, it will be added at the end. |
nv.Config.Playlist.IsGroupBy | bool | Group and display by folder |
nv.Config.Playlist.PanelListItemStyle |
| List item style |
nv.Config.Playlist.PlaylistFolder | string | Playlist file storage location Playlist files in this folder are managed. |
nv.Config.Script.ErrorLevel |
| Obsolete member access error level This is a debug setting. Select the error handling of member access that can no longer be used due to version upgrade. |
nv.Config.Script.IsScriptFolderEnabled | bool | Use scripts |
nv.Config.Script.IsSQLiteEnabled | bool | Enable SQLite API Enables access to the System.Data.SQLite namespace in .NET |
nv.Config.Script.OnBookLoadedWhenRenamed | bool | OnBookLoaded.nvjs is also called when a book is renamed |
nv.Config.Script.ScriptFolder | string | Scripts folder Use the scripts in this folder. |
nv.Config.Slider.IsEnabled | bool | Slider: Show slider |
nv.Config.Slider.IsHidePageSlider | bool | Slider: Hide slider automatically |
nv.Config.Slider.IsHidePageSliderInAutoHideMode | bool | Slider: Automatically hide the slider when it is auto-hide mode |
nv.Config.Slider.IsSliderLinkedFilmStrip | bool | Slider: Real time change with slider applies only to film strip Switch pages when decided. |
nv.Config.Slider.IsSyncPageMode | bool | Slider: Synchronize the amount of change to the number of displayed pages |
nv.Config.Slider.IsVisible | bool | Slider: Slider visibility (Read only) |
nv.Config.Slider.IsVisiblePlaylistMark | bool | Slider: Display playlisted mark |
nv.Config.Slider.Opacity | double | Slider: Slider opacity It is applied when "Hide slider automatically" is enabled. |
nv.Config.Slider.SliderDirection |
| Slider: Slider Direction |
nv.Config.Slider.SliderIndexLayout |
| Slider: Page number display position |
nv.Config.Slider.Thickness | double | Slider: Slider thickness (pixel) |
nv.Config.SlideShow.IsCancelSlideByMouseMove | bool | Slideshow: Reset display interval with mouse move When turned off, it is reset only by an explicit action, such as a click. |
nv.Config.SlideShow.IsSlideShowByLoop | bool | Slideshow: Loop play After playing to the last page, it will return to the first page. |
nv.Config.SlideShow.IsTimerVisible | bool | Slideshow: Show timer |
nv.Config.SlideShow.SlideShowInterval | double | Slideshow: Display interval (sec) |
nv.Config.StartUp.IsAutoPlaySlideShow | bool | Start playing slideshow |
nv.Config.StartUp.IsMultiBootEnabled | bool | Allow multiple activations |
nv.Config.StartUp.IsOpenLastBook | bool | Restore an open book |
nv.Config.StartUp.IsOpenLastFolder | bool | Restore bookshelf location The location of the bookshelf if you do not open the book at startup. |
nv.Config.StartUp.IsRestoreFullScreen | bool | Restore full screen state |
nv.Config.StartUp.IsRestoreSecondWindowPlacement | bool | Restore the second window coordinates Restores window coordinates even after duplicate launches. If turned off, the window will be displayed with the initial coordinates. |
nv.Config.StartUp.IsRestoreWindowPlacement | bool | Restore window coordinates |
nv.Config.StartUp.IsSplashScreenEnabled | bool | Splash screen |
nv.Config.Susie.IsEnabled | bool | Use Susie plugins |
nv.Config.Susie.IsFirstOrderSusieArchive | bool | Prioritize Susie plugin in compressed file expansion |
nv.Config.Susie.IsFirstOrderSusieImage | bool | Prioritize Susie plugin in image display |
nv.Config.Susie.SusiePluginPath | string | Plugins folder |
nv.Config.System.ArchiveCopyPolicy |
| For compressed files |
nv.Config.System.ArchiveRecursiveMode |
| Compressed file handling Extended range when opening compressed file |
nv.Config.System.BookPageCollectMode |
| File type to be used as page If you make a folder a page, you can open the folder from that page. |
nv.Config.System.DateTimeFormat | string | Date time format |
nv.Config.System.DownloadPath | string | Download folder It is a storage place of the image dropped by the browser etc. If not specified, temporary folder is used. |
nv.Config.System.FileManager | string | File Manager If not set, use Explorer. |
nv.Config.System.FileManagerFileArgs | string | File Type Arguments Arguments for displaying file as selections in the parent folder in File Manager. $File is replaced by the file path. |
nv.Config.System.FileManagerFolderArgs | string | Folder Type Arguments Arguments for opening a folder in File Manager. $File is replaced by the file path. |
nv.Config.System.IsFileWriteAccessEnabled | bool | File management You will be able to delete and rename files. |
nv.Config.System.IsHiddenFileVisible | bool | Show hidden files |
nv.Config.System.IsIgnoreImageDpi | bool | Dot-by-dot display of image When displaying at the original size, it matches the pixels of the display independently of the display scale of the display. |
nv.Config.System.IsIncrementalSearchEnabled | bool | Incremental search enabled |
nv.Config.System.IsInputMethodEnabled | bool | Enable IME outside the text box * It is applied from the next startup. Always valid for text boxes. |
nv.Config.System.IsNaturalSortEnabled | bool | Use natural sort Makes sorting by name, such as numbers separated by periods, kanji numbers, etc. more natural. When off, same as Explorer. |
nv.Config.System.IsNetworkEnabled | bool | Allow network access When turned off, the version update confirmation from the "About" dialog is stopped and a confirmation dialog is displayed before connecting to the Internet with a web browser. |
nv.Config.System.IsOpenBookAtCurrentPlace | bool | Make the start position of the file selection dialog in "Open file" the location of the currently opened book |
nv.Config.System.IsRemoveConfirmed | bool | Show confirmation dialog when deleting files |
nv.Config.System.IsRemoveWantNukeWarning | bool | Show confirmation dialog when deleting files that don't fit in the Recycle Bin |
nv.Config.System.IsSettingBackup | bool | Make a backup of the setting file Make a backup of the configuration file and load it instead if the normal configuration file can not be read. The file name is "UserSetting.json.bak". The update timing is when you close the options window and when you exit the application. |
nv.Config.System.IsSyncUserSetting | bool | Synchronize settings When multi-booting, all NeeView settings are updated when closing the options window. |
nv.Config.System.Language | string | Language * It is applied from the next startup. |
nv.Config.System.SearchHistorySize | int | Search history size |
nv.Config.System.TemporaryDirectory | string | Temporary location It is used for pre-extraction and recursive compression files. |
nv.Config.System.TextCopyPolicy |
| Text copy If "Original path" is set, the text for temporary files will be the pathname of the original file. |
nv.Config.System.TextEditor | string | Text editor If not set, use Notepad. |
nv.Config.System.WebBrowser | string | Web browser If not set, use default web browser. |
nv.Config.System.IsExplorerContextMenuEnabled | bool | Register in the Explorer context menu. Add "Open in NeeView" to the Explorer context menu. This feature uses the registry. |
nv.Config.Theme.CustomThemeFolder | string | Custom theme folder |
nv.Config.Theme.ThemeType | string | Theme type |
nv.Config.Thumbnail.CacheLimitSpan | System.TimeSpan | Thumbnail cache retention period |
nv.Config.Thumbnail.Format |
| Thumbnail image format PNG is high quality, but the data size is larger than JPEG. |
nv.Config.Thumbnail.ImageWidth | int | Thumbnail image resolution The higher the value, the higher the resolution but the larger the data size. |
nv.Config.Thumbnail.IsCacheEnabled | bool | Use thumbnail cache Cache the book thumbnail. |
nv.Config.Thumbnail.Quality | int | Thumbnail quality Quality when the thumbnail image format is JPEG. |
nv.Config.Thumbnail.ThumbnailBookCapacity | int | Book Thumbnail Capacity The number of book thumbnails held in memory. |
nv.Config.Thumbnail.ThumbnailCacheFilePath | string | Thumbnail cache file location |
nv.Config.Thumbnail.ThumbnailPageCapacity | int | Page Thumbnail Capacity The number of page thumbnails held in memory. When the book is closed everything is destroyed. |
nv.Config.Touch.DragAction |
| Single touch drag operation |
nv.Config.Touch.GestureMinimumDistance | double | Minimum movement distance for touch drag judgment (pixel) Dragging is judged to start for the first time by moving this distance. |
nv.Config.Touch.HoldAction |
| Long press Touch drag operation |
nv.Config.Touch.InertiaSensitivity | double | Inertia sensitivity |
nv.Config.Touch.IsAngleEnabled | bool | Enable rotation operation with multi-touch |
nv.Config.Touch.IsEnabled | bool | Use the touch function When turned off, it is recognized as a standard mouse operation. |
nv.Config.Touch.IsScaleEnabled | bool | Enable sizing operation with pinch in and pinch out |
nv.Config.Touch.MinimumManipulationDistance | double | Touch operation pinch minimum change distance (pixel) This is the minimum operating distance at which rotation and enlargement / reduction by touch operation are effective. |
nv.Config.Touch.MinimumManipulationRadius | double | Touch operation pinch minimum determination distance (pixel) It is the distance between the minimum of 2 touches judged as rotation by touch operation, enlargement / reduction. |
nv.Config.View.AllowFileContentAutoRotate | bool | |
nv.Config.View.AllowStretchScaleDown | bool | Allow scale down on stretch |
nv.Config.View.AllowStretchScaleUp | bool | Allow scale up on stretch |
nv.Config.View.AngleFrequency | double | Rotating Snap |
nv.Config.View.FlipCenter |
| Center of flip |
nv.Config.View.IsBaseScaleEnabled | bool | Enable base scale Enable base scale. |
nv.Config.View.IsKeepAngle | bool | Maintain the angle even when changing pages This setting does not work when automatic rotation is enabled. |
nv.Config.View.IsKeepAngleBooks | bool | Maintain the angle even when changing books Works when "Maintain the angle even when changing pages" is enabled. |
nv.Config.View.IsKeepFlip | bool | Maintain reversal even when changing pages |
nv.Config.View.IsKeepFlipBooks | bool | Maintain scaling even when changing books |
nv.Config.View.IsKeepPageTransform | bool | Keep view transform Keep page-by-page rotation, scaling, and flip. |
nv.Config.View.IsKeepScale | bool | Maintain scaling even when changing pages |
nv.Config.View.IsKeepScaleBooks | bool | Maintain reversal even when changing books |
nv.Config.View.IsLimitMove | bool | Limit movement to within a window |
nv.Config.View.IsRotateStretchEnabled | bool | Apply stretch to navigator rotation buttons |
nv.Config.View.IsScaleStretchTracking | bool | Stretch tracking Adjusts the scale according to the stretch mode when rotating. |
nv.Config.View.MainViewMargin | double | Main view margin (pixel) |
nv.Config.View.PageMoveDuration | double | Page move time (sec) Effective when "Panorama" is off. |
nv.Config.View.RotateCenter |
| Center of rotation |
nv.Config.View.ScaleCenter |
| Center of scaling |
nv.Config.View.ScrollDuration | double | Scroll time (sec) |
nv.Config.View.StretchMode |
| Stretch mode |
nv.Config.View.ViewHorizontalOrigin |
| Horizontal alignment at start |
nv.Config.View.ViewVerticalOrigin |
| Vertical alignment at start |
nv.Config.Window.IsAutoHideInFullScreen | bool | Apply auto-hide mode in full screen |
nv.Config.Window.IsAutoHideInMaximized | bool | Apply auto-hide mode in maximized window |
nv.Config.Window.IsAutoHideInNormal | bool | Apply auto-hide mode in normal window |
nv.Config.Window.IsCaptionEmulateInFullScreen | bool | Title bar operation at full screen Accepts double-click and drag operations in the title bar during full screen. |
nv.Config.Window.IsRestoreAeroSnapPlacement | bool | Restore Aero Snap window placement |
nv.Config.Window.IsTopmost | bool | Window topmost |
nv.Config.Window.MouseActivateAndEat | bool | Disable mouse data when activating window with mouse |
nv.Config.Window.State |
| Window state |
nv.Config.WindowTitle.WindowTitleFormat1 | string | Window title: For 1 page |
nv.Config.WindowTitle.WindowTitleFormat2 | string | Window title: For 2 page |
nv.Config.WindowTitle.WindowTitleFormatMedia | string | Window title: For video |
Command list
Command name | Argument | Command parameter | Summary |
LoadAs |
Open file Select and open the compressed file or image file. |
ReLoad | Reload Reload the book |
Unload | Close Close the open workbook. |
OpenExternalApp |
External app (simple) Open the displayed image with an external application. |
OpenExternalAppAs |
External app Select an external application to open the displayed images. |
OpenExplorer | Open in explorer Open the file of the page you are viewing in Explorer. |
ExportImageAs |
Save as Save the image to a file. |
ExportImage |
Save Save the image to a file. The storage folder is specified by a command parameter. |
Print Print the image. |
DeleteFile | Delete file Delete the file. Compressed files can not be deleted. |
DeleteBook | Delete book Delete the currently viewed folder or compressed file. |
CopyFile |
Copy file Copy the file to the clipboard. |
CopyImage | Copy image Copy the image to the clipboard. For 2 page display, copy only the main page. |
Paste | Paste Paste clipboard files and images. |
CopyToFolderAs |
Copy to folder Select the folder where you want to copy the displayed images. |
MoveToFolderAs |
Move to folder Select the folder where you want to move the displayed images. |
ClearHistory | Clear history Delete all history. |
ClearHistoryInPlace | Delete history in place Delete all history in the current location of the bookshelf. |
RemoveUnlinkedHistory | Delete invalid history items Delete history items that do not exist. |
Command name | Argument | Command parameter | Summary |
ToggleStretchMode |
Switch stretch Switch the stretch in sequence. |
ToggleStretchModeReverse |
Parameters to share with "ToggleStretchMode" |
Switch stretch (reverse) Switch the stretch in sequence. (reverse) |
SetStretchModeNone | Original size Display the image as it is. |
SetStretchModeUniform |
Fit to window size Scales the image to fit the window size. |
SetStretchModeUniformToFill |
Parameters to share with "SetStretchModeUniform" |
Extend it to fill the window Scale up or down to fit the window size either vertically or horizontally. The image will be larger than the window size. |
SetStretchModeUniformToSize |
Parameters to share with "SetStretchModeUniform" |
Fit the area size to the window Scales the image so that it is equal to the area size of the window. |
SetStretchModeUniformToVertical |
Parameters to share with "SetStretchModeUniform" |
Fit height to window Scales to fit the height of the image to the height of the window. |
SetStretchModeUniformToHorizontal |
Parameters to share with "SetStretchModeUniform" |
Fit width to window Scales to fit the width of the image to the width of the window. |
ToggleStretchAllowScaleUp |
Allow stretch scale up Allow scale up on stretch. |
ToggleStretchAllowScaleDown |
Allow stretch scale down Allow scale down on stretch. |
ToggleCustomSize |
Toggle custom size Toggles enabling / disabling of size specification applied to original size. |
Command name | Argument | Command parameter | Summary |
ToggleNearestNeighbor |
Toggle keep dot Enlarges the image while maintaining the dots. When turned off, the scale conversion process (Fant) is performed. |
ToggleBackground | Switch background Switch the background sequentially. |
SetBackgroundBlack | Black background Make the background black. |
SetBackgroundWhite | White background Make the background white. |
SetBackgroundAuto | Image colored background Set the background color from the image. Specifically, the color of the upper left pixel of the image is used. |
SetBackgroundCheck | White checkered background Make the background a white checkered pattern. |
SetBackgroundCheckDark | Black checkered background Make the background a black checkered pattern. |
SetBackgroundCustom | Custom Background Make the background a custom background. |
ToggleResizeFilter |
Toggle resize filter Toggle resize filter ON / OFF. |
ToggleGrid |
Grid Toggle visible / hide of grid. |
ToggleEffect |
Toggle effect Toggle effect ON / OFF. |
Command name | Argument | Command parameter | Summary |
ToggleTopmost | Toggle topmost Always display the window in front. |
ToggleVisibleAddressBar | Toggle address bar Toggle visible / hide of the address bar. |
ToggleHideMenu | Toggle auto hide menu Hide the menu. It is displayed by moving the cursor to the upper end of the window. |
ToggleVisibleSideBar | Toggle side bars Toggle visible / hide of side bars. |
ToggleHidePanel | Toggle auto hide panels Automatically hide the left and right panels. It is displayed by moving the cursor to the left and right edges of the window. |
ToggleVisiblePageSlider |
Toggle slider Toggle visible / hide of the slider. |
ToggleHidePageSlider | Toggle auto hide slider Hide the slider. It is displayed by moving the cursor to the lower end of the window. |
ToggleFullScreen | Toggle full screen Switch the full screen state. |
SetFullScreen | Full screen Make it full screen. |
CancelFullScreen | Full screen OFF Turn off full screen. |
ToggleWindowMinimize | Minimize window Minimize the window. If it has already been minimized, restore it to its original size. |
ToggleWindowMaximize | Maximize window Maximize the window. If it has already been maximized, restore it to its original size. |
ShowHiddenPanels | Show panels The panel which is hidden automatically is displayed once. It will be canceled by some operation. |
FocusPrevApp | Switch prev NeeView Switch to previous NeeView window. |
FocusNextApp | Switch next NeeView Switch to next NeeView window. |
StretchWindow | Stretch window Fit the window to the MainView content size. |
Command name | Argument | Command parameter | Summary |
ToggleVisibleBookshelf |
Toggle bookshelf Toggle visible / hide of the bookshelf panel. |
ToggleVisiblePageList |
Toggle PageList panel Toggle visible / hide of the PageList panel. |
ToggleVisibleBookmarkList |
Toggle bookmark panel Toggle visible / hide of the bookmark panel. |
ToggleVisiblePlaylist |
Toggle playlist panel Toggle visible / hide of the playlist panel. |
ToggleVisibleHistoryList |
Toggle history panel Toggle visible / hide of the history panel. |
ToggleVisibleFileInfo |
Toggle information panel Toggle visible / hide of the information panel. |
ToggleVisibleNavigator |
Toggle navigator Toggle visible / hide of the navigator panel. |
ToggleVisibleEffectInfo |
Toggle effects panel Toggle visible / hide of the effects panel. |
ToggleVisibleFoldersTree |
Toggle Folders tree Toggle visible / hide of the Folders tree. The bookshelf is displayed. |
FocusFolderSearchBox | Focus on bookshelf search box Focus on the bookshelf search box. The Bookshelf panel will be in the display state. |
FocusBookmarkSearchBox | Focus on bookmark search box Focus on the bookmark search box. The Bookmark panel will be in the display state. |
FocusPageListSearchBox | Focus on PageList search box Focus on the PageList search box. The PageList panel will be in the display state. |
FocusHistorySearchBox | Focus on history search box Focus on the history search box. The History panel will be in the display state. |
FocusBookmarkList | Display bookmark list Display bookmark folder of the bookshelf. |
FocusMainView |
Focus on main view Move focus to the main view. |
ToggleMainViewFloating | Toggle MainView window Make the MainView a window. |
Command name | Argument | Command parameter | Summary |
ToggleVisibleThumbnailList |
Toggle filmstrip Toggle visible / hide of the filmstrip. |
ToggleHideThumbnailList |
Toggle auto hide filmstrip Display the film strip only when using the slider. |
View operation
Command name | Argument | Command parameter | Summary |
ToggleSlideShow |
Toggle slideshow Toggle play / stop of the slideshow. |
ToggleHoverScroll |
Toggle hover scroll Scrolls according to the position of the cursor. |
ViewScrollNTypeUp |
N-type scroll ↑ If you can scroll vertically and horizontally, scroll to draw N characters. |
ViewScrollNTypeDown |
Parameters to share with "ViewScrollNTypeUp" |
N-type scroll ↓ If you can scroll vertically and horizontally, scroll to draw N characters. |
ViewScrollUp |
Scroll ↑ Roll the image upwards. When it is not possible to scroll vertically, side scrolling will occur. |
ViewScrollDown |
Parameters to share with "ViewScrollUp" |
Scroll ↓ Roll the image downwards. When it is not possible to scroll vertically, side scrolling will occur. |
ViewScrollLeft |
Parameters to share with "ViewScrollUp" |
Scroll ← Roll the image to the left. If horizontal scrolling is not possible, vertical scrolling will occur. |
ViewScrollRight |
Parameters to share with "ViewScrollUp" |
Scroll → Roll the image to the right. If horizontal scrolling is not possible, vertical scrolling will occur. |
ViewScaleUp |
Zoom in Enlarge the image. |
ViewScaleDown |
Parameters to share with "ViewScaleUp" |
Zoom out Reduce the image. |
ViewScaleStretch | Stretch Apply stretch to scale. |
ViewBaseScaleUp |
Base scale zoom in Enlarge the base scale. |
ViewBaseScaleDown |
Parameters to share with "ViewBaseScaleUp" |
Base scale zoom out Reduces the base scale. |
ViewRotateLeft |
Left rotate Rotate the image to the left. |
ViewRotateRight |
Parameters to share with "ViewRotateLeft" |
Right rotate Rotate the image to the right. |
ToggleIsAutoRotateLeft |
Toggle auto left rotation When displaying the page, left rotate the portrait image 90 degrees. If the window is portrait, rotate horizontally long image by 90 degrees. |
ToggleIsAutoRotateRight |
Toggle auto right rotation When displaying the page, right rotate the portrait image 90 degrees. If the window is portrait, rotate horizontally long image by 90 degrees. |
ToggleIsAutoRotateForcedLeft |
Toggle forced left rotation Rotate 90 degrees to the left regardless of image size. |
ToggleIsAutoRotateForcedRight |
Toggle forced right rotation Rotate 90 degrees to the right regardless of image size. |
ToggleViewFlipHorizontal |
Flip horizontal Flip the image left and right. |
ViewFlipHorizontalOn | Flip horizontal Flip the image left and right. |
ViewFlipHorizontalOff | Flip horizontal OFF Cancel flip. |
ToggleViewFlipVertical |
Flip vertical Flip the image upside down. |
ViewFlipVerticalOn | Flip vertical Turn it upside down. |
ViewFlipVerticalOff | Flip vertical OFF Cancel flip. |
ViewReset | View reset Reset rotation, scaling, movement, and flip by manipulating the view. |
ToggleIsLoupe |
Toggle loupe Loupe ON / OFF. |
LoupeOn | Loupe Make the loupe mode. |
LoupeOff | Loupe OFF Release the loupe mode. |
LoupeScaleUp | Loupe zoom in Expands the magnifying power of the loupe. It functions only when using a loupe. |
LoupeScaleDown | Loupe zoom out Reduce the loupe magnification. It functions only when using a loupe. |
AutoScrollOn | Auto scroll Change to auto scroll mode. |
Page move
Command name | Argument | Command parameter | Summary |
PrevPage |
Prev Move to the previous page. If it is 2 pages display, it moves by 2 pages. |
NextPage |
Parameters to share with "PrevPage" |
Next Move to next page direction. If it is 2 page display, it moves by 2 pages. |
PrevOnePage |
Prev One Move previous one page only. |
NextOnePage |
Parameters to share with "PrevOnePage" |
Next One Only one page will move in the next direction. |
PrevScrollPage |
Scroll + Prev Scroll the image backward in the page. If it is not possible to scroll, it will move to the previous page. When using a loupe, only move pages. |
NextScrollPage |
Parameters to share with "PrevScrollPage" |
Scroll + Next Page Scrolls the image in the next direction. If it is not possible to scroll, it will move to the next page. When using a loupe, only move pages. |
JumpPage |
Jump page Enter the page number and move. |
JumpRandomPage | Random page Jump to a random page. |
PrevSizePage |
Prev x pages Move previous by a set number of pages. |
NextSizePage |
Parameters to share with "PrevSizePage" |
Next x pages Move to the next direction by the set number of pages. |
PrevFolderPage |
Prev folder Move to the first page of the previous folder of the book. Valid only in name order. |
NextFolderPage |
Parameters to share with "PrevFolderPage" |
Next folder Move to the first page of the next folder of the book. Valid only in name order. |
FirstPage |
First page Move to the first page. |
LastPage |
Parameters to share with "FirstPage" |
Last page Move to the last page. |
PrevHistoryPage | Go back view page Move to previous view page. |
NextHistoryPage | Go next view page Move to next view page. |
Book move
Command name | Argument | Command parameter | Summary |
ToggleBookLock |
Toggle book lock Prohibits book switching. |
PrevBook | Prev Book Open previous book on the bookshelf. |
NextBook | Next Book Open next book on the bookshelf. |
RandomBook | Random Book Load the random book on the bookshelf. |
PrevHistory | Prev History Open previous book on the history panel. |
NextHistory | Next History Open next book on the history panel. |
PrevBookHistory | Go back Open previous book in history. |
NextBookHistory | Go next Open next book in history. |
MoveToParentBook | Go to parent Open the upper hierarchy as a book. |
MoveToChildBook | Go to child If possible, open the page as a book. |
Command name | Argument | Command parameter | Summary |
ToggleMediaPlay | Play/Stop Toggle between playing and stopping the movie. |
Book order
Command name | Argument | Command parameter | Summary |
ToggleBookOrder | Switch book order Switch the order of books in sequence. |
SetBookOrderByFileNameA | Book Name Ascending Set the order of books in ascending order by name. |
SetBookOrderByFileNameD | Book Name Descending Set the order of books in descending order by name. |
SetBookOrderByPathA | Book Path Ascending Set the order of books in ascending order by full path. |
SetBookOrderByPathD | Book Path Descending Set the order of books in descending order by full path. |
SetBookOrderByFileTypeA | Book FileType Ascending Set the order of books in ascending order by file type. |
SetBookOrderByFileTypeD | Book FileType Descending Set the order of books in descending order by file type. |
SetBookOrderByTimeStampA | Book Date Ascending Set the order of books in ascending order by date. |
SetBookOrderByTimeStampD | Book Date Descending Set the order of books in descending order by date. |
SetBookOrderByEntryTimeA | Book EntryTime Ascending Set the order of books in ascending order by entry time. |
SetBookOrderByEntryTimeD | Book EntryTime Descending Set the order of books in descending order by entry time. |
SetBookOrderBySizeA | Book Size Ascending Set the order of books in ascending order by size. |
SetBookOrderBySizeD | Book Size Descending Set the order of books in descending order by size. |
SetBookOrderByRandom | Book Shuffle Set the order of books randomly. |
Page setting
Command name | Argument | Command parameter | Summary |
TogglePageMode |
Toggle page mode Toggle page mode in sequance |
TogglePageModeReverse |
Parameters to share with "TogglePageMode" |
Toggle page mode (reverse) Toggle page mode in sequence (reverse) |
SetPageModeOne | One page Make it 1 page display. |
SetPageModeTwo | Two pages It makes 2 page display. |
ToggleIsPanorama | Panorama Displays consecutive pages. |
TogglePageOrientation | Toggle pages orientation Switch between horizontal and vertical orientation. |
SetPageOrientationHorizontal | Horizontal page layout Align pages horizontally |
SetPageOrientationVertical | Vertical page layout Align pages vertically |
ToggleBookReadOrder | Book orientation Toggle right and left open. |
SetBookReadOrderRight | Right to left Right forward from right to left. Previous page is on the right when 2 pages are displayed. |
SetBookReadOrderLeft | Left to right Left forward from left to right. Previous page is on the left when 2 pages are displayed. |
ToggleIsSupportedDividePage |
Divide wide page When one page is displayed, divide the landscape page into pages. |
ToggleIsSupportedWidePage |
Consider landscape pages as two pages When two pages are displayed, the horizontally long image is regarded as two pages and is displayed independently. |
ToggleIsSupportedSingleFirstPage |
Show first page alone Even on 2 page display, the first page is displayed as 1 page. |
ToggleIsSupportedSingleLastPage |
Show last page alone Even on 2 page display, the last page is displayed on 1 page. |
ToggleIsRecursiveFolder |
Load subfolders When loading images from folders, subfolders or compressed files are also loaded at the same time. |
SetDefaultPageSetting | Reset page setting Restore the default page setting. |
Page order
Command name | Argument | Command parameter | Summary |
ToggleSortMode | Switch pages order Switch the order of the pages in sequence. |
SetSortModeFileName | Name Ascending Sort the order of the pages in ascending order by filename. |
SetSortModeFileNameDescending | Name Descending Sort the order of the pages in descending order by file name. |
SetSortModeTimeStamp | Date Ascending Sort the order of pages by file date ascending order. |
SetSortModeTimeStampDescending | Date Descending Sort the order of pages by file date descending order. |
SetSortModeSize | Size Ascending Set the order of pages in ascending order by file size. |
SetSortModeSizeDescending | Size Descending Set the order of pages in descending order by file size. |
SetSortModeEntry | Entry Ascending Set the order of pages in ascending order by entry. |
SetSortModeEntryDescending | Entry Descending Set the order of pages in descending order by entry. |
SetSortModeRandom | Shuffle Shuffle the order of pages. |
Command name | Argument | Command parameter | Summary |
ToggleBookmark |
Toggle bookmark Toggle bookmark for currently open book. |
Command name | Argument | Command parameter | Summary |
TogglePlaylistItem |
Toggle playlist item Add or delete the current page to the playlist. |
PrevPlaylistItem | Prev playlist item Go to the previous page mark. |
NextPlaylistItem | Next playlist item Go to the next page mark. |
PrevPlaylistItemInBook |
Prev playlist item in book Move to the previous page mark in the current book. |
NextPlaylistItemInBook |
Parameters to share with "PrevPlaylistItemInBook" |
Next playlist item in book Move to the next page mark in the current book. |
Command name | Argument | Command parameter | Summary |
CancelScript | Cancel script Stops a running script that has a "sleep" instruction. |
Command name | Argument | Command parameter | Summary |
OpenOptionsWindow | Open settings window Open the settings window. |
OpenSettingFilesFolder | Open setting folder Open the folder where the configuration file setting file is saved. |
OpenScriptsFolder | Open scripts folder Open the scripts folder with Explorer. |
OpenVersionWindow | Display version information Display version information. |
CloseApplication | Quit application Quit this application. |
TogglePermitFile |
Toggle file management Toggle enable / disable of file management command. |
HelpCommandList | Command help Displays help of all commands in the browser. |
HelpScript | Script Help Displays the script manual in the browser. |
HelpMainMenu | Main menu help Display the main menu help on the browser. |
HelpSearchOption | Search options help Display the search options help on the browser. |
OpenContextMenu | Open context menu Open the context menu. |
ExportBackup |
Export settings Create backups of settings, history, bookmarks. The thumbnail cache is not backed up. |
ImportBackup |
Import settings Select the restored item from the backup file and restore it. If all parameters are defined, the dialog will not be displayed. |
ReloadSetting | Reload settings Reload the settings. |
SaveSetting | Save settings Performs saving the current settings. |
TouchEmulate | Touch emulate Execute the touch command at the cursor position. |
OpenConsole | Open script console Open the script console. |
Breaking changes by version
Error | This change is fatal and causes errors. |
Warning | This effect is disabled and does not work. |
Info | Compatible and works the same. Spelling errors corrected, etc. |
Version 42.0
Severity | Name | Category | Alternative |
Error | HistoryItemAccessor.LastAccessTime | Changed | Type changed from string to Date. |
Error | PageAccessor.LastWriteTime | Changed | Type changed from string to Date. |
Error | PageAccessor.Path | Changed | The path is now the path of the page entity. In the case of a shortcut file, it is the path to its entity. See RawPath for paths in previous versions. |
Error | ViewPageAccessor.LastWriteTime | Changed | Type changed from string to Date. |
Error | ViewPageAccessor.Path | Changed | The path is now the path of the page entity. In the case of a shortcut file, it is the path to its entity. See RawPath for paths in previous versions. |
Warning | nv.Command.CopyFile.Parameter.ArchivePolicy | Obsolete | nv.Config.System.ArchiveCopyPolicy |
Warning | nv.Command.CopyFile.Parameter.TextCopyPolicy | Obsolete | nv.Config.System.TextCopyPolicy |
Warning | nv.Config.View.ViewOrigin | Obsolete | nv.Config.View.ViewHorizontalOrigin, ViewVerticalOrigin |
Info | nv.Config.Window.IsAutoHidInMaximized | Obsolete | nv.Config.Window.IsAutoHideInMaximized |
Version 41.0
Severity | Name | Category | Alternative |
Warning | nv.Config.Performance.IsPreExtractToMemory | Obsolete | x |
Info | nv.Config.AutoHide.AutoHideConfrictBottomMargin | Obsolete | nv.Config.AutoHide.AutoHideConflictBottomMargin |
Info | nv.Config.AutoHide.AutoHideConfrictTopMargin | Obsolete | nv.Config.AutoHide.AutoHideConflictTopMargin |
Info | nv.Config.System.IsHiddenFileVisibled | Obsolete | nv.Config.System.IsHiddenFileVisible |
Info | nv.Config.System.IsOpenbookAtCurrentPlace | Obsolete | nv.Config.System.IsOpenBookAtCurrentPlace |
Version 40.0
Severity | Name | Category | Alternative |
Warning | nv.Command.NextScrollPage.Parameter.ScrollDuration | Obsolete | nv.Config.View.ScrollDuration |
Warning | nv.Command.PrevScrollPage.Parameter.ScrollDuration | Obsolete | nv.Config.View.ScrollDuration |
Warning | nv.Command.ViewScrollDown.Parameter.ScrollDuration | Obsolete | nv.Config.View.ScrollDuration |
Warning | nv.Command.ViewScrollLeft.Parameter.ScrollDuration | Obsolete | nv.Config.View.ScrollDuration |
Warning | nv.Command.ViewScrollNTypeDown.Parameter.ScrollDuration | Obsolete | nv.Config.View.ScrollDuration |
Warning | nv.Command.ViewScrollNTypeUp.Parameter.ScrollDuration | Obsolete | nv.Config.View.ScrollDuration |
Warning | nv.Command.ViewScrollRight.Parameter.ScrollDuration | Obsolete | nv.Config.View.ScrollDuration |
Warning | nv.Command.ViewScrollUp.Parameter.ScrollDuration | Obsolete | nv.Config.View.ScrollDuration |
Warning | nv.Config.Book.BookPageSize | Obsolete | x |
Warning | nv.Config.Book.IsMultiplePageMove | Obsolete | x |
Warning | nv.Config.Bookshelf.IsIncrementalSearchEnabled | Obsolete | nv.Config.System.IsIncrementalSearchEnabled |
Warning | nv.Config.Bookshelf.IsVisibleItemsCount | Obsolete | nv.Config.Panels.IsVisibleItemsCount |
Warning | nv.Config.View.IsViewStartPositionCenter | Obsolete | nv.Config.View.ViewHorizontalOrigin,ViewVerticalOrigin |
Warning | nv.Config.Window.MaximizeWindowGapWidth | Obsolete | x |
Info | nv.Config.View.AutoRotate | Obsolete | nv.Config.BookSetting.AutoRotate |
Info | nv.Config.View.BaseScale | Obsolete | nv.Config.BookSetting.BaseScale |
Info | nv.Config.View.MainViewMergin | Obsolete | nv.Config.View.MainViewMargin |
Script examples
Here are some example scripts. For other samples, refer to NeeView Sample Scripts.Execute "External app" command by temporarily changing the executable file and arguments
// @name MS Paint
// @description Open the file in MS Paint.
param = {
"Command": "mspaint.exe",
"Parameter": "\"$File\""
Open display page in new NeeView
// @name Open in NeeView
// @description Open the display page in a new NeeView.
nv.Command.SaveSetting.Execute() // Perform a save to keep settings the same
param = {
"Command": "$NeeView", // Special way of writing to indicate the path of NeeView itself
"Parameter": "-n \"$File\"",
"MultiPagePolicy": "Once",
"ArchivePolicy": "SendArchivePath"
ON / OFF of unsharp mask
// @name Unsharp Mask ON/OFF
// @description Unsharp Mask toggle. Displays a warning when the resize filter is not effective.
if (nv.Config.ImageResizeFilter.IsEnabled) {
nv.Config.ImageResizeFilter.IsUnsharpMaskEnabled = !nv.Config.ImageResizeFilter.IsUnsharpMaskEnabled
if (nv.Config.ImageResizeFilter.IsUnsharpMaskEnabled) {
nv.ShowMessage("UnsharpMask ON")
else {
nv.ShowMessage("UnsharpMask OFF")
else {
nv.ShowMessage("ResizeFilter is not active")
If the path of the newly opened book contains "English", open it to the left, otherwise open it to the right
// @name Book start action
// @description Events when a book is opened
if (nv.Book.IsNew) {
if (nv.Book.Path.match(/English/) != null) {
nv.Book.Config.BookReadOrder = "LeftToRight"
else {
nv.Book.Config.BookReadOrder = "RightToLeft"
Change the way video files are manipulated
// @name Book start action
// @description Events when a book is opened
if (nv.Book.IsMedia) {
// Video: click to play/stop, double-click to toggle full screen
nv.Command.ToggleMediaPlay.ShortCutKey = "LeftClick"
nv.Command.Script_ToggleFullScreenAndMediaPlay.ShortCutKey = "LeftDoubleClick"
nv.Command.NextPage.ShortCutKey = "Left"
else {
// Normal: Standard setting
nv.Command.ToggleMediaPlay.ShortCutKey = null
nv.Command.Script_ToggleFullScreenAndMediaPlay.ShortCutKey = null
nv.Command.NextPage.ShortCutKey = "Left,LeftClick"
// @name Full screen & video playback
// @description Switch between full screen and video playback at the same time