About Store App
Install from Microsoft Store.
- The “Open setting folder” command cannot be used because the configuration file is saved in a special location. Please use the “Import/Export all settings” command instead
- Uninstalling will delete all settings, etc.
- Updates are done through the store’s functionality.
- There is no setting for “Allow network access” in Settings. This is because updates are performed by the store function, but we have no control over it.
- File extension associations will be made. There is no addition to the Explorer context menu.
How to start from the command line
Starts with “NeeView.exe”. The complete path is not required. Parameters are the same as for the regular version.
Protocol Activation
Protocol activation is also possible. Currently, only the “neeview-open:” protocol is supported, and only the file path (without URI escaping) is valid as a parameter.
> neeview-open:E:\Pictures\Image001.jpg