View on GitHub
Image viewer that allows you to browse images in folders like a book.

Command List

The key setting for this listing is preset TypeA.


Command Shortcut Gesture Touch Summary
Open fileCtrl+OSelect and open the compressed file or image file.
Reload↑↓Reload the book
CloseClose the open workbook.
External app (simple)Open the displayed image with an external application.
External appSelect an external application to open the displayed images.
Open in explorerOpen the file of the page you are viewing in Explorer.
Save asCtrl+SSave the image to a file.
SaveCtrl+Shift+SSave the image to a file. The storage folder is specified by a command parameter.
PrintCtrl+PPrint the image.
Delete fileDeleteDelete the file. Compressed files can not be deleted.
Delete bookDelete the currently viewed folder or compressed file.
Copy fileCtrl+CCopy the file to the clipboard.
Copy imageCtrl+Shift+CCopy the image to the clipboard. For 2 page display, copy only the main page.
PasteCtrl+VPaste clipboard files and images.
Copy to folderSelect the folder where you want to copy the displayed images.
Move to folderSelect the folder where you want to move the displayed images.
Clear historyDelete all history.
Delete history in placeDelete all history in the current location of the bookshelf.
Delete invalid history itemsDelete history items that do not exist.


Command Shortcut Gesture Touch Summary
Switch stretchLeftButton+WheelDownSwitch the stretch in sequence.
Switch stretch (reverse)LeftButton+WheelUpSwitch the stretch in sequence. (reverse)
Original sizeDisplay the image as it is.
Fit to window sizeScales the image to fit the window size.
Extend it to fill the windowScale up or down to fit the window size either vertically or horizontally. The image will be larger than the window size.
Fit the area size to the windowScales the image so that it is equal to the area size of ​​the window.
Fit height to windowScales to fit the height of the image to the height of the window.
Fit width to windowScales to fit the width of the image to the width of the window.
Allow stretch scale upAllow scale up on stretch.
Allow stretch scale downAllow scale down on stretch.
Toggle custom sizeToggles enabling / disabling of size specification applied to original size.


Command Shortcut Gesture Touch Summary
Toggle keep dotEnlarges the image while maintaining the dots. When turned off, the scale conversion process (Fant) is performed.
Switch backgroundSwitch the background sequentially.
Black backgroundMake the background black.
White backgroundMake the background white.
Image colored backgroundSet the background color from the image. Specifically, the color of the upper left pixel of the image is used.
White checkered backgroundMake the background a white checkered pattern.
Black checkered backgroundMake the background a black checkered pattern.
Custom BackgroundMake the background a custom background.
Toggle resize filterCtrl+RToggle resize filter ON / OFF.
GridToggle visible / hide of grid.
Toggle effectCtrl+EToggle effect ON / OFF.


Command Shortcut Gesture Touch Summary
Toggle topmostAlways display the window in front.
Toggle address barToggle visible / hide of the address bar.
Toggle auto hide menuHide the menu. It is displayed by moving the cursor to the upper end of the window.
Toggle side barsToggle visible / hide of side bars.
Toggle auto hide panelsAutomatically hide the left and right panels. It is displayed by moving the cursor to the left and right edges of the window.
Toggle sliderToggle visible / hide of the slider.
Toggle auto hide sliderHide the slider. It is displayed by moving the cursor to the lower end of the window.
Toggle full screenF11Switch the full screen state.
Full screenMake it full screen.
Full screen OFFTurn off full screen.
Minimize windowMinimize the window. If it has already been minimized, restore it to its original size.
Maximize windowMaximize the window. If it has already been maximized, restore it to its original size.
Show panelsTouchCenterThe panel which is hidden automatically is displayed once. It will be canceled by some operation.
Switch prev NeeViewCtrl+Shift+TabSwitch to previous NeeView window.
Switch next NeeViewCtrl+TabSwitch to next NeeView window.
Stretch windowFit the window to the MainView content size.


Command Shortcut Gesture Touch Summary
Toggle bookshelfBToggle visible / hide of the bookshelf panel.
Toggle PageList panelPToggle visible / hide of the PageList panel.
Toggle bookmark panelDToggle visible / hide of the bookmark panel.
Toggle playlist panelMToggle visible / hide of the playlist panel.
Toggle history panelHToggle visible / hide of the history panel.
Toggle information panelIToggle visible / hide of the information panel.
Toggle navigatorNToggle visible / hide of the navigator panel.
Toggle effects panelEToggle visible / hide of the effects panel.
Toggle Folders treeToggle visible / hide of the Folders tree. The bookshelf is displayed.
Focus on bookshelf search boxFocus on the bookshelf search box. The Bookshelf panel will be in the display state.
Focus on bookmark search boxFocus on the bookmark search box. The Bookmark panel will be in the display state.
Focus on PageList search boxFocus on the PageList search box. The PageList panel will be in the display state.
Focus on history search boxFocus on the history search box. The History panel will be in the display state.
Display bookmark listDisplay bookmark folder of the bookshelf.
Focus on main viewMove focus to the main view.
Toggle MainView windowF12Make the MainView a window.


Command Shortcut Gesture Touch Summary
Toggle filmstripToggle visible / hide of the filmstrip.
Toggle auto hide filmstripDisplay the film strip only when using the slider.

View operation

Command Shortcut Gesture Touch Summary
Toggle slideshowF5Toggle play / stop of the slideshow.
Toggle hover scrollScrolls according to the position of the cursor.
N-type scroll ↑If you can scroll vertically and horizontally, scroll to draw N characters.
N-type scroll ↓If you can scroll vertically and horizontally, scroll to draw N characters.
Scroll ↑Roll the image upwards. When it is not possible to scroll vertically, side scrolling will occur.
Scroll ↓Roll the image downwards. When it is not possible to scroll vertically, side scrolling will occur.
Scroll ←Roll the image to the left. If horizontal scrolling is not possible, vertical scrolling will occur.
Scroll →Roll the image to the right. If horizontal scrolling is not possible, vertical scrolling will occur.
Zoom inRightButton+WheelUpEnlarge the image.
Zoom outRightButton+WheelDownReduce the image.
StretchApply stretch to scale.
Base scale zoom inEnlarge the base scale.
Base scale zoom outReduces the base scale.
Left rotateRotate the image to the left.
Right rotateRotate the image to the right.
Toggle auto left rotationWhen displaying the page, left rotate the portrait image 90 degrees. If the window is portrait, rotate horizontally long image by 90 degrees.
Toggle auto right rotationWhen displaying the page, right rotate the portrait image 90 degrees. If the window is portrait, rotate horizontally long image by 90 degrees.
Toggle forced left rotationRotate 90 degrees to the left regardless of image size.
Toggle forced right rotationRotate 90 degrees to the right regardless of image size.
Flip horizontalFlip the image left and right.
Flip horizontalFlip the image left and right.
Flip horizontal OFFCancel flip.
Flip verticalFlip the image upside down.
Flip verticalTurn it upside down.
Flip vertical OFFCancel flip.
View resetReset rotation, scaling, movement, and flip by manipulating the view.
Toggle loupeLoupe ON / OFF.
LoupeMake the loupe mode.
Loupe OFFRelease the loupe mode.
Loupe zoom inExpands the magnifying power of the loupe. It functions only when using a loupe.
Loupe zoom outReduce the loupe magnification. It functions only when using a loupe.
Auto scrollMiddleClickChange to auto scroll mode.

Page move

Command Shortcut Gesture Touch Summary
PrevRight,RightClickTouchR1,TouchR2Move to the previous page. If it is 2 pages display, it moves by 2 pages.
NextLeft,LeftClickTouchL1,TouchL2Move to next page direction. If it is 2 page display, it moves by 2 pages.
Prev One←→Move previous one page only.
Next One→←Only one page will move in the next direction.
Scroll + PrevWheelUpScroll the image backward in the page. If it is not possible to scroll, it will move to the previous page. When using a loupe, only move pages.
Scroll + NextWheelDownPage Scrolls the image in the next direction. If it is not possible to scroll, it will move to the next page. When using a loupe, only move pages.
Jump pageEnter the page number and move.
Random pageJump to a random page.
Prev x pagesMove previous by a set number of pages.
Next x pagesMove to the next direction by the set number of pages.
Prev folderMove to the first page of the previous folder of the book. Valid only in name order.
Next folderMove to the first page of the next folder of the book. Valid only in name order.
First pageCtrl+Right↑→Move to the first page.
Last pageCtrl+Left↑←Move to the last page.
Go back view pageBackspaceMove to previous view page.
Go next view pageShift+BackspaceMove to next view page.

Book move

Command Shortcut Gesture Touch Summary
Toggle book lockProhibits book switching.
Prev BookUp←↑Open previous book on the bookshelf.
Next BookDown←↓Open next book on the bookshelf.
Random BookLoad the random book on the bookshelf.
Prev HistoryOpen previous book on the history panel.
Next HistoryOpen next book on the history panel.
Go backAlt+LeftOpen previous book in history.
Go nextAlt+RightOpen next book in history.
Go to parentAlt+UpOpen the upper hierarchy as a book.
Go to childAlt+DownIf possible, open the page as a book.


Command Shortcut Gesture Touch Summary
Play/StopToggle between playing and stopping the movie.

Book order

Command Shortcut Gesture Touch Summary
Switch book orderSwitch the order of books in sequence.
Book Name AscendingSet the order of books in ascending order by name.
Book Name DescendingSet the order of books in descending order by name.
Book Path AscendingSet the order of books in ascending order by full path.
Book Path DescendingSet the order of books in descending order by full path.
Book FileType AscendingSet the order of books in ascending order by file type.
Book FileType DescendingSet the order of books in descending order by file type.
Book Date AscendingSet the order of books in ascending order by date.
Book Date DescendingSet the order of books in descending order by date.
Book EntryTime AscendingSet the order of books in ascending order by entry time.
Book EntryTime DescendingSet the order of books in descending order by entry time.
Book Size AscendingSet the order of books in ascending order by size.
Book Size DescendingSet the order of books in descending order by size.
Book ShuffleSet the order of books randomly.

Page setting

Command Shortcut Gesture Touch Summary
Toggle page modeToggle page mode in sequance
Toggle page mode (reverse)Toggle page mode in sequence (reverse)
One pageCtrl+1→↑Make it 1 page display.
Two pagesCtrl+2→↓It makes 2 page display.
PanoramaDisplays consecutive pages.
Toggle pages orientationSwitch between horizontal and vertical orientation.
Horizontal page layoutAlign pages horizontally
Vertical page layoutAlign pages vertically
Book orientationToggle right and left open.
Right to leftRight forward from right to left. Previous page is on the right when 2 pages are displayed.
Left to rightLeft forward from left to right. Previous page is on the left when 2 pages are displayed.
Divide wide pageWhen one page is displayed, divide the landscape page into pages.
Consider landscape pages as two pagesWhen two pages are displayed, the horizontally long image is regarded as two pages and is displayed independently.
Show first page aloneEven on 2 page display, the first page is displayed as 1 page.
Show last page aloneEven on 2 page display, the last page is displayed on 1 page.
Load subfoldersWhen loading images from folders, subfolders or compressed files are also loaded at the same time.
Reset page settingRestore the default page setting.

Page order

Command Shortcut Gesture Touch Summary
Switch pages orderSwitch the order of the pages in sequence.
Name AscendingSort the order of the pages in ascending order by filename.
Name DescendingSort the order of the pages in descending order by file name.
Date AscendingSort the order of pages by file date ascending order.
Date DescendingSort the order of pages by file date descending order.
Size AscendingSet the order of pages in ascending order by file size.
Size DescendingSet the order of pages in descending order by file size.
Entry AscendingSet the order of pages in ascending order by entry.
Entry DescendingSet the order of pages in descending order by entry.
ShuffleShuffle the order of pages.


Command Shortcut Gesture Touch Summary
Toggle bookmarkCtrl+DToggle bookmark for currently open book.


Command Shortcut Gesture Touch Summary
Toggle playlist itemCtrl+MAdd or delete the current page to the playlist.
Prev playlist itemGo to the previous page mark.
Next playlist itemGo to the next page mark.
Prev playlist item in bookMove to the previous page mark in the current book.
Next playlist item in bookMove to the next page mark in the current book.


Command Shortcut Gesture Touch Summary
Cancel scriptStops a running script that has a "sleep" instruction.


Command Shortcut Gesture Touch Summary
Open settings windowOpen the settings window.
Open setting folderOpen the folder where the configuration file setting file is saved.
Open scripts folderOpen the scripts folder with Explorer.
Display version informationDisplay version information.
Quit applicationQuit this application.
Toggle file managementToggle enable / disable of file management command.
Command helpDisplays help of all commands in the browser.
Script HelpDisplays the script manual in the browser.
Main menu helpDisplay the main menu help on the browser.
Search options helpDisplay the search options help on the browser.
Open context menuOpen the context menu.
Export settingsCreate backups of settings, history, bookmarks. The thumbnail cache is not backed up.
Import settingsSelect the restored item from the backup file and restore it. If all parameters are defined, the dialog will not be displayed.
Reload settingsReload the settings.
Save settingsPerforms saving the current settings.
Touch emulateExecute the touch command at the cursor position.
Open script consoleOpen the script console.